Topic: Replace rotor

35gal    -- 01-13-2010 @ 5:23 PM
  I want to replace the rotor in my 34 distributor. I've rebuilt flatheads before but never rorked on distributor. Is it very difficult to do. There looks like a snap ring inside the dist. Do you just rmove the ring and the rotor will come out.Will I need to reset the timing after replacing rotor.

TomO    -- 01-14-2010 @ 7:25 AM
  You do not have to remove the snap ring to replace the rotor, just remove the vacuum brake (large nut on driver's side of dist.), fine timing adjustment screw (small bolt on passenger side) and then push out the base of the distributor from the housing.

If it has been many years since the last time the base was removed, you may have to persuade it out using a brass rod and a small hammer, taking care not to tip it in the housing.

If your rotor is worn, your points may also need replacing. It is a good idea to have the points set on a distributor machine. The replacement parts sold today have wide quality differences with weak springs, binding pivots and internal shorts as some of the problems. You cannot determine these problems with a feeler gauge ar timing fixture.

C & G in CA, Baxter Ford parts in KS and Yesteryear Ford Parts in MI are reliable sources for reconditioning your distributor.


supereal    -- 01-14-2010 @ 9:39 AM
  Also, it is a good idea to replace the bushings when you install a new rotor. You will probably have to have them honed to fit, as they decrease in internal diameter when they are pressed into place. The coil has to be removed from the distributor, too, to pull the breaker plate out. As to timing, it is preset, but can be adjusted by moving the plate on the side of the unit. We usually set them at midpoint, but in most cases, you won't notice much, if any, difference at full advance. Do observe that the tang on the distributor matches the position of the slot on the cam before you bolt the distributor back in place.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 01-14-2010 @ 1:27 PM
  if the rotor has burnt contact ends, make sure you replace the innner dist plates also,or check them also for being burnt or worn down,
this is so the air gap between the too is not to great,
I would send the DIST to SKIP HANEY,and have it rebuilt. along have the coil tested and see if it might break down in the near future.
just my 2 cents 37RAGTOPMAN
its the last thing you need to give you problems on a tour,

supereal    -- 01-14-2010 @ 3:19 PM
  Be careful when you replace the inner cap plates, as the repos often are ill fitting, and require some filing to get them to seat properly. If they catch the rotor, your new one will be history.

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