Topic: Website Outage

efv8    -- 04-15-2013 @ 4:16 PM
  The Early Ford V-8 Club website experienced an outage that was caused by a change to the DNS. That in simple terms means that the 'pointer' that we all use to find the Early Ford V-8 Club website changed. Hence, when you tried to connect, you could not find the address that was needed to complete the connection. Due to the time that it happened, midnight on a weekend, contacting the web support people took longer than expected.
We appreciate your patience with this. We want you to know that new procedures are in place to work to remedy things like this in a more timely manner.

Bruce Nelson
Early Ford V-8 Club
Web Administrator

oldford2    -- 04-15-2013 @ 4:28 PM
As you may have noticed if you visited the fordbarn, many of us EFV8 members were worried what had happened. Thankfully it was just a computer glitch and the FBI had not busted down the door and arrested everyone. LOL
Keep up the good work. By the way, to start the posts on "where is my V8times" I received mine today.

Stroker    -- 04-15-2013 @ 5:07 PM

Glad you got it running on all 8 again! I'm sure that many of us were concerned that it might have been a major "hack", and I for one am glad to hear it was a solvable problem. We all appreciate what you do, as many of us old-timers don't have a clue as to what it takes to keep this site running.


efv8    -- 04-15-2013 @ 5:42 PM
  Thanks guys! It's now been over a year 'working' at this and I continue to learn more about it all the time. I guess we were so happy with it's performance, that we forgot that things can go wrong. I did check out the responses on the Fordbarn.

And.........where is my V-8 TIMES?

Bruce Nelson
Early Ford V-8 Club
Web Administrator

fla48    -- 04-15-2013 @ 7:12 PM
Welcome back. Thanks for the great web site. Remember, "The more we learn, the more we learn how little we know."

drkbp    -- 04-15-2013 @ 7:56 PM
  Thank you Bruce. I saw that it came back up after lunch.

Ken in Texas

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