Topic: reprints?

johnschultz    -- 04-10-2013 @ 1:58 PM
  How may I obtain reprints of articles from the V-8 Times regarding my 34 Phaeton? Thanks

TonyM    -- 04-10-2013 @ 2:38 PM
  See page 12 of the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of V-8 Times for back issue ordering information.

On a related note:

Still waiting for the March/April 2013 issue of the V-8 Times and Club Membership Directory. Have they been sent out yet?


This message was edited by TonyM on 4-10-13 @ 2:38 PM

johnschultz    -- 04-10-2013 @ 2:44 PM
  I really don't need the entire issue, just a reprint of 8 articles, thanks

TonyM    -- 04-10-2013 @ 3:21 PM
  Not sure I am following you. Not trying to be a wise guy, but if you need a copy of the article use a copy machine or scanner and make as many copies as you want. Good Luck.


rotorwrench    -- 04-10-2013 @ 4:29 PM
  I haven't recieved the March April V8 Times yet either although I've not recieved several thing that were intrusted to the USPS over the last 12-months.

johnschultz    -- 04-10-2013 @ 10:15 PM
  sorry, I did not explain myself well, I would like to get either copies of some old articles from the v-8 times or the actual issues. All are related to my 34 Phaeton. I am a new member with no old (or new) issues to draw from. The issues I need are 1979 March/april,1981 july/aug, 1982 jan/feb, 1984 may/june,l985 jan/feb. 2001 nov/dec, 2004 may/june and 2008 july/aug.
I have tried to contact the back issue folks but have no response. I see no need to screw up someones collection or to buy to entire magazines if someone will just sell me the articles. thanks

TomO    -- 04-11-2013 @ 7:14 AM
  Check with the Early Ford V-8 Foundation Museum. They may have the back issues for sale or be able to copy the articles for a small fee.


TonyM    -- 04-11-2013 @ 12:20 PM
  Welcome JohnSchultz!

Place an ad in the classified section of this forum. Maybe a fellow V-8 man can help out and sell you the issues you are wanting; it's worth a shot. Good luck.


supereal    -- 04-11-2013 @ 2:02 PM
  I may have the issues you need, and would be happy to run the pages thru my copier. My collection goes back to '75. Go thru the issues and give me the needed pages by a PM, with your mailing address. One of my fondest wishes is that the past issues of the V8 TIMES could be digitized and made available. It is among the most valuable resources of the Club. For those who are new to the Club, there is an index in the member roster. These articles are mostly by members, and a practical guide to the most often encountered problems. Jerry Windle's stewardship of the V8 TIMES is marvelous, and the publication, alone, is worth the dues to the Club.

johnschultz    -- 04-12-2013 @ 8:43 AM
  My thanks to TomO suggesting the foundation, I am a new member and recomend them highly.

TomO    -- 04-15-2013 @ 3:56 PM

You are welcome. The Foundation is one of my favorite non-profits and I am always glad to find a way to help them with their mission.

The Motofest in August should be a great touring event and I plan to be there.


Model B    -- 04-16-2013 @ 5:27 AM
  Tom, Thanks for mentioning the upcoming Motorfest V in the Auburn, IN area (and Ohio)!. I did receive my V8 Times yesterday and there is a nice article on the Motorfest V meet included. Looking forward to seeing you there! Pat

TomO    -- 04-16-2013 @ 7:04 AM

I enjoy touring as you can see by the writeup of the Inaugural National Tour. We had a great time on that tour, made many new friends, learned how farmers use GPS and saw an awesome collection of historical items.

Thanks for helping organize Motrfest V. It should be a great touring event.


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