Topic: Questions About Showing a Car in Rouge Class

SteveC    -- 01-09-2010 @ 8:15 AM
  I've recently bought an unrestored car that I would like to show in the Rouge Class at a future meet. I have never attended a EFV8 national and have no idea about the criteria/standards/methods/judging applied to these cars. I have original unrestored Model A's. The Model A Restorer's Club judges these cars against the same fine point standards as the restored cars. I would very much like to speak with either Rouge judges or owners of Rouge Award cars to get a feel about this. My phone # is (603) 203-1004 and email is Thank you very much for any and all help.

Texas40    -- 01-09-2010 @ 8:28 AM
  Do you have a copy of our 2009 national roster? If so check out page 29 which details the Rouge division. We very much appreciate the Rouge cars at our national meets because if affords us the opportunity to see the details of how they were. Everytime we lose one of these fine examples of original cars we loose invaluable info. Hope you show it, good luck.

nelsb01    -- 01-09-2010 @ 10:07 AM
  The one thing to remember is : CONDITION DOESN'T COUNT.
With that said, it means that while everyone is doing prep for the concourse, you can enjoy a second cup of coffee as long as your car is there with the original items. I have a rouge car, and the first time out, I cleaned it, vacuumed it, and spent a lot of time getting it ready. The judges came by, said I didn't need to do that -- because the rouge class is a preservation class -- keeping it in original condition, no matter how old the car is.
The rouge class is a fun class, just remember what the guidelines are, as mentioned in the Roster. You have 3 areas -- running gear, interior, and exterior. Mine qualifies in interior and exterior. My running gear has had the engine rebuilt. And my interior door panels have many water stains, but it still qualifies as original condition.
Like I said, bring it out, evaluate what areas you qualify for, and enjoy others looking over your original vehicle.

tbloss    -- 01-09-2010 @ 10:34 AM
  I thought You could make repairs, rebuild the engine and other parts as lone as they are original to the car. I would think nothing should be repainted. Tom B.

trjford8    -- 01-09-2010 @ 5:01 PM
  Steve, you car will be judged on it's own merits and not against restored cars. You can replace such things as radiator hoses, fan belts, or other routine maintenance items.If you check page 29 of the current roster it will tell you the items that are allowed to be replaced. This is a great class. You will have a fun time at a national meet.

SteveC    -- 01-10-2010 @ 4:49 AM
  Thank you all for your help. I just rejoined EFV8 after a lapse of a couple of years. I'll look for an older roster or wait for my new one.

BERTHA    -- 01-13-2010 @ 6:23 AM
  Another happy Rouge'r here.
It was GREAT going to the Eastern Meet in 2006,(our first EFV/8 experience) knowing there was actually a class for the un-restored. We were certified in all three areas, the enthusiasm shown for our entry was wonderful.

This message was edited by BERTHA on 1-13-10 @ 6:23 AM

BERTHA    -- 01-13-2010 @ 6:31 AM
  "Bertha" posing proud!!!

trjford8    -- 01-13-2010 @ 8:07 AM
  Bob, nice car. Lately I've seen a lot of great rouge cars in the 49-53 category.

BERTHA    -- 01-13-2010 @ 12:49 PM
More info in an article I wrote for the March/April 07 V/8 Times...."Meet Bertha"

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