Topic: User name LINCOLN, contact me ...

chas34    -- 02-23-2013 @ 10:16 AM
  I was told you are a great collector of 'service letters' ... I am in need of a copy of the letter dated may 4, 1934 (Cordoba Gray color changes) which is referenced in '33 - '34 manual ... I am willing to pay for your efforts and expenses if you can accomodate me ...

my e-mail is:


Lincoln    -- 02-24-2013 @ 12:56 PM
  Sending an Email on your request as I need your mailing address.

chas34    -- 02-25-2013 @ 5:50 AM
  Appreciate your response ... I'm taking it you have a copy of my desired Service Letter ... Since there is such a problem with bad elements (scammers) monitoring this site I had included my e-mail address so we could connect outside this exposed forum ... I would prefer to send my personal info via that media ... OR, just copy the letter and send it via e-mail ...


This message was edited by chas34 on 2-25-13 @ 6:06 AM

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