Topic: data plate

wade    -- 02-20-2013 @ 11:51 AM
  have bought a 50 ford and the data plate is missing. Are there any id anywhere else such as on chassie, on the sheet metal anywhere? I live in NC and bought the car in FL, NC requires an out of state car to be looked at by a trooper, for a vin number. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Wade

trjford8    -- 02-20-2013 @ 6:37 PM
  On the 50 Ford you should find the ID number on the top of the right side frame crossbrace. The brace runs at an angle from the right frame rail to just under the radiator.

nelsb01    -- 02-20-2013 @ 8:47 PM
  There should be an actual data plate on the passenger side cowl, under and behind the hood hinge. It was nail riveted on, so if missing, there should at least be holes where it was.

woodiewagon46    -- 02-21-2013 @ 8:38 AM
  In the September issue of The Woodie Times there is an article about the cover car and in the article it mentions that the car owner makes data plates for antique and classic cars. Very nice plates at

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