Topic: Rouge Award disqualification?

MG    -- 02-13-2013 @ 9:51 AM
  Last Fall I had to replace the left bank cylinder head on my '53 due to a hairline crack at the #7 plug which was weeping. I had the replacement head boiled out surfaced and then repainted it before I installed it. Because of this necessary repair, the replacement head is in sharp contrast to the original head on the right bank. Other than this repair, the engine and drive train is completely original. Does this repair disqualify the car for a Rouge Award for drive train?

JM    -- 02-15-2013 @ 9:54 PM
  One way to find out....bring your car to Lake Tahoe this June and enter it in the Rouge class.


ford38v8    -- 02-15-2013 @ 10:27 PM
  MG, I'm not a Rouge Judge, and was hoping a qualified Judge would respond to your question. As none have, I'll take a stab at it myself, and would hope you then recieve comment from those qualified in this area of judging:

From the Judging Manual, there is a list of exempt items, and as I understand it, the 90% original doesn't consider those exempt items. That leaves a big 10% to consider your replacement head. I'd make a guess that you'd recieve a 6% deduction for that one head.


Don Rogers    -- 02-16-2013 @ 6:01 AM
  MG, I would contact our National Chief Judge, John McBurney and discuss this with him as he will have the final say in judging matters. You can call him at 816-781-6923 or email at

JM    -- 02-16-2013 @ 7:27 AM
  I have entered my '35 fordor in Rough Class at six national meets from 2007 to 2011. Four ENM's, one CNM, and one WNM and in each case the final judging results have been different. The interior has always done well. Judged opinions have always been different on exterior and drive train. In other words lack of consistency and opinions by those who were judging. This really doesn't bother me that much, in fact I find it somewhat amusing. I personally know exactly what is original as built by Henry and what is not on this car and do not get too concerned about what others think.
I usually sign up to judge restored '35/'36 closed cars and have learned a lot from these experiences. However, at some of these meets I found the lead judge did not know enough about the year of manufacture for the cars they were judging. I could provide some examples of this but would rather not get into that here.


This message was edited by JM on 2-16-13 @ 7:41 AM

trjford8    -- 02-16-2013 @ 8:08 AM
  I realize that this may not answer your specific question, but there has been some changes to the Rouge class. There are now some allowances for replacement of wiring and routine maintenance items (hoses, belts, etc.). You can replace some portions of the wiring harness due to the deterioration of the insulation on the old harness( a real safety issue). As a judge, if an owner told me he replaced one head due to it being cracked I would not disqualify the car. If it's obvious that the remainder of the engine is original I would consider the replaced head as maintenance to keep the car in running condition. I realize that this is only my opinion, but I base many of my opinions on just plain common sense. I suspect if you had not painted the head and made it match the other head, no one would have known the difference.

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