Topic: 49 and 51 1/2 ton pickup, the difference

37coop    -- 02-12-2013 @ 4:13 PM
  h*llo,i am shipping a 51 f.1 truck from the u.s to the u.k ,it should arrive in about 4 weeks .about 20 years ago i shipped a 49f.i here from florida ,i always thought that the dimensions were about the same but looking at various photos at similar angles the 49 cab seems to look taller and the bonnet(hood) a bit shorter, the screen a bit deeper it just seems to me to have a better look,is it the angle of the photos etc or are the dimensions different? thanks for reading and the answers if any would be interesting.

trjford8    -- 02-15-2013 @ 8:22 AM
  As long as they are both F-1's and they are the 1/2 ton pickup they have the same dimensions.

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