Topic: Convert top cleaning white fabric with water spot

Rich    -- 11-23-2012 @ 12:50 PM
  I have an older convertible top that has water spots and is in need of a good scrub. What chemical(s) or detergent do you suggest that would be safe on top and not damage the paint.


supereal    -- 11-23-2012 @ 2:20 PM
  First, thoroughly vacuum the top to get all the dust, etc, off of it. Using a mild soap, such as Woolite, and a clean sponge, apply the soap suds with as little of the water as possible as you scrub across the top. Rinse as you go with a separate bucket of clean water, using a clean sponge, again trying not to saturate the top fabric, followed by drying with a clean terry towel. If any of the spots reappear, repeat the process. Not all spots can be removed, but most can be diminished to the point they are not a problem. Finally, do not lower the top until it is completely dry. This is also true of a top that has been rained on. Mildew will result that is almost impossible to remove. There are commerial products sold for top cleaning, but many are harsh, and may contain bleach. A good quality top made of Hartz cloth should last for years if kept clean, and bird spots, etc, are quickly removed.

Rich    -- 11-24-2012 @ 6:41 AM
  Thanks for the help/suggestion. I will try this later today.


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