Topic: License plate restoration

joe b    -- 11-17-2012 @ 11:00 AM
  Any V-8 Club members that are recommended for restoring classic license plates? I have found a set for my '41.

CharlieStephens    -- 11-17-2012 @ 11:48 AM

You don't say where you are from in your profile and have probably had a dozen people tell you this already but some states will not accept restored plates for YOM registration. They want patina. Register first, restore later (oops, I didn't say that, it might not be legal).

Charlie Stephens

This message was edited by CharlieStephens on 11-17-12 @ 11:49 AM

joe b    -- 11-17-2012 @ 12:51 PM
I live in Ohio and we can legally put old plates on our cars. I am not 100% sure of the whole procedure but assure you I will put them on the car as soon as it is legal to do so. Others have told me about the patina also.

fla48    -- 11-17-2012 @ 5:38 PM
  I live in Texas and they refused to accept my plates with patina. They have to look new or almost new to be used. Different states, different rules. Most major swap meets will have at least one vendor who restores old plates. Mike Schmitt may be able to help. He is in Fort Worth at 817-528-2815, or PL8DOC@GMAIL.COM.

1934 Ford    -- 11-17-2012 @ 6:00 PM
  Two methods:
#1 Paint the entire plate the background color after restoring the metal finish. Then paint the numbers.
#2 Paint the entire tag the number color. Then paint it background color and while the paint is wet, wipe off the numbers top surface.
I've done it both ways and both work. Choose #2 if you don't have a stead paintbrush hand.

supereal    -- 11-17-2012 @ 8:52 PM
  Here, in Iowa, we fought for, and received the right to use year of manufacture plates, as long as the vehicle is currently registered. You must carry the "real" plates in the car. As a precaution, I also carry a copy of the regulation to inform any authorities that challenge the plates. I've restored many plates, and begin by bead blasting the original paint, then removing any dings. Then, I use method number one above. I let the background dry for several weeks before adding the numbers. This allows any goofs to be corrected with a Q tip dipped in solvent without harming the background.

This message was edited by supereal on 11-17-12 @ 8:54 PM

42wagon    -- 11-18-2012 @ 4:36 AM
  In Connecticut the rules are esentailly the same as Iowa. You must carry the "real" license plates and registration in the car. There is also a form you must fill out with the DMV showing what numbers are on the year of manufacture plates. You are supposed to show the YOM plates to the DMV clerk at the time you fill out the form but they didn't ask to see the plates although I had them with me.

supereal    -- 11-18-2012 @ 7:19 AM
  The main official objection to YOM plates here was that only official vehicles, such as police and fire, may have all numeral plates, as is the case with the old ones, while the regular type are a combination of letters and numbers. We pointed out that no one could confuse an old car with the others, and it was agreed, as long as we could present the actual plates. My "real" plates are actually "vanity" ones with "47FHV8" on them.

Model B    -- 11-19-2012 @ 4:09 PM
  Joe, My buddy and neighbor is a license plate dealer/restorer here in SW Ohio. He has restored many plates for me...great job. I believe he gets around $35 per plate (depending on condition). He can be reached at 937-218-6211...ask for Dave. Pat

BERTHA    -- 11-20-2012 @ 4:33 AM
  We were lucky, Bertha had her's in the trunk.
No problem with the registration here in NYS.


"it's only original once""

BERTHA    -- 11-20-2012 @ 4:38 AM
  We were lucky, Bertha had her's in the trunk.
No problem with the registration here in NYS.


"it's only original once""

BERTHA    -- 11-20-2012 @ 4:39 AM
  We were lucky, Bertha had her's in the trunk.
No problem with the registration here in NYS.


"it's only original once""

BERTHA    -- 11-20-2012 @ 4:40 AM
  We were lucky, Bertha had her's in the trunk.
No problem with the registration here in NYS.


"it's only original once""

joe b    -- 11-20-2012 @ 7:45 AM
  Model B
Thank you this is what I was looking for. I will call him soon

joe b    -- 11-20-2012 @ 7:51 AM
  FYI I went to the Ohio DMV with the '41 plates and my current registration. The girl knew what to do. I had to have a new license plate registration specifying the '41 plates. She made a copy of the '41 plate for the file. I have to carry the Historical plate that was issued in the car and then display the '41 plate on the car. I was told that I can restore the plate but must use the original colors which are maroon and white.
The transaction cost $6.00

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