Topic: sheared stud

Dustbowl    -- 09-01-2012 @ 4:46 PM
  When replacing the head in my 36 Ford, one of the 21 studs sheared about a quarter inch below the level of the block. Any suggestions on how I can get this out?

ford38v8    -- 09-01-2012 @ 6:51 PM
  Don't drill it. See the link below:


supereal    -- 09-01-2012 @ 8:56 PM
  Removing a stud broken off below the head surface is not a job for the inexperienced. More often than not, it results in a broken and/or an off center hole when drilling. If you break off a bit or "easy out" in the stud, it takes a specially hardened bit to fix it. We did one a couple of weeks for a customer. The bit, alone, was two hundred bucks. Consult a good shop before you try. Replacing all old studs when replacing heads is always recommended.

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