Topic: 1941 parking lights

joe b    -- 08-31-2012 @ 9:24 AM
  I just received a set of reproduction 1941 Ford parking lights. They differ from the originals in the way the glass lens is held in. The repro has a bracket to hold the lens that is held on with a screw. As I see it, the only way to replace the light bulb is to remove the entire light assembly from the fender.The new lens does not appear to be removed like the original. Am I missing something?

supereal    -- 08-31-2012 @ 10:09 AM
  Today's repros seldom resemble the originals. If the appearance is acceptable, I wouldn't worry, as changing parking light bulbs is not frequent.

joe b    -- 08-31-2012 @ 12:25 PM
  Thanks Super. I will wait it out. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't being too dumb to see the obvious.

supereal    -- 08-31-2012 @ 2:54 PM
  No dumb questions here, although we sometimes have dumb answers. The last parking lights I ordered from a supplier (we no longer use), were so inferior we could only use the base. We had to change the sockets, anyway, to accomodate turn signals, but the bezel and lens of the old pieces were much better than the repros.

Stroker    -- 08-31-2012 @ 3:36 PM
  We all, (myself included) frequently rant about the cr*ppy reproduction parts that are becoming the bane of the hobby. I have a reasonably obscure early Ford, a 38 Deluxe. These were used as "cannon-fodder" in the early roundy-round racing era. The "Art-Deco" heart-shaped grille had neither the Zephyr crispness of a 37, nor the simple beauty of a 39. (Bear with me on this, Alan as I love 38 Deluxe's). As any owner of a one-year "orphan" will know, there aren't a lot of 38's, 41's, 42's etc. out there as these were either economy-based slow sales years, or in the case of the 42, interrupted by war.

So, If I were to decide to reproduce 41 front parking lights, my tooling costs would be the same as if I were reproducing any other year parking light. Just as Bob Drake some years ago offered 38 Deluxe grille center's for a limited time, so he could re-flog the tooling to make 39 Standard grille centers, the BIG investment is tooling, and being able to secure (through marketing) a large enough production run to simply pay for the tooling is a cr*p shoot.

Other countries can simply do this cheaper due to labor costs. The only way we can control this is to vote with our pocket book. If we refuse to buy the bogus repops, then perhaps there will develop enough demand for domestic (or at least quality) parts to prevail. Remember the Argentine running boards folks?

joe b    -- 08-31-2012 @ 6:28 PM
  I agree with you Stroker. Problem is the vendors often can't or won't say where the part is made. We never know what junk we buy and where it was made until it arrives.
Case in point: I wanted to be sure that the bearings for my engine rebuild were not made in China. I was assured they weren't. The rod bearings were TRW in Toledo, Oh. but the mains were made in Israel. Which was OK with me since they are an ally but still...........
Also, a freind got a box of special carb bolts from Fastenal.. Made in Afganistan! They are killing our soldiers and kinda hate us. Go figure.
Sorry to get political but it bothers me.

tierod    -- 08-31-2012 @ 7:57 PM
  It's not political, it's patriotism. Good for you.

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