Topic: Saw something strange yesterday. Your thoughts...

doning    -- 07-30-2012 @ 7:34 AM
  Hi Guy's! 1937 Ford 85 HP engine with 337 miles after fresh engine rebuild. Yesterday while researching a stumbling issue and the way home from a 30 mile drive the night before, I noticed an oil trail coming out of the #1 plug and running down the cylinder head the following morning. I removed the plug and was sickened by the sight of oil on my plug. I took a cotton swab and went inside the chamber and it came out clean. The valves even looked clean. I replaced the plugs with the hotter D91 Champions. I took it for another 30 mile drive, got it back home and the head looked clean. I pulled the #1 plug and it was clean except for a tinnie-wennie bit of wetness each side of the top electrode. Any ideas?

TomO    -- 07-30-2012 @ 7:54 AM
  My guess is that the plug was not tightened properly allowing the gasket to leak combustion products and not fire.


Stroker    -- 07-30-2012 @ 7:58 AM
  There is also a possibility that all the ring-gaps just happened to line up on that
cylinder, at that time, which would create a direct path for oil to migrate.

doning    -- 07-31-2012 @ 2:36 AM
  Ok Guy's thanks. Just wasn't sure if a ring had broken during assembly.

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