Topic: 1937 Book!

Roy Nacewicz    -- 12-19-2009 @ 10:18 PM
  Received a pleasant surprise at the Post Office earlier today...the long awaited '37 book arrived.
I cleared the calendar and spent the rest of the day and evening with it!
A very big "thank you" to Don Rogers and the V-8 Club Board Members who found the enthusiasm to finally make it happen.
Count me among those with gratitude for, and total satisfaction with, the book!

Job well done guys.......Roy

trjford8    -- 12-20-2009 @ 8:56 AM
  I don't have mine yet,but I'll add my thanks to all those people who contributed to the book to make it a reality. That book travelled a rough and rocky road to make it to the finish line. It's dedicated volunteers that make these books happen and we can't thank them enough for their efforts.

Pat's 52    -- 12-24-2009 @ 10:39 AM
  Roy, I received mine on the 21st and it is absolutely awesome. I want to thank you and all the contributors to this publication. Anybody with a 37 or interest in the 37 owes it to themselves to get the book.

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