Topic: 52 Rear Main Oil Leak

Texas40    -- 06-02-2012 @ 7:09 AM
  I have a friend with a fairly fresh built 52 engine. The work was done by a known flathead mechanic but he is out of the picture now. The rear main has started to leak alot of oil. Any advise from you guys who have done this a long time--can you successfully put new rear main seal in without removing the engine on a 52? In my personal stuff, I just pull the engine cause I have never had luck removing the pan in the car and fixing anything but that has always been on pre war model cars.
Any help on the process would be very helpful. I don't want to advise to pull the engine unless that is the only correct way to fix it. We tour alot and the car is driven a great deal. Thanks

supereal    -- 06-02-2012 @ 10:50 AM
  The engine will have to come out to replace the rear main seal, as the rope is held into the retainer by the crankshaft. Rear main seals often leak because the ropes were trimmed at installation, rather than being forced into place. We always put sealer on the ends of the ropes, as well. If the leak is severe, I'd look there first. Another cause is the use of synthetic oil. The primitive seals just can't handle it. Be sure the oil in the crankcase is not overfilled, and that the crankcase breather system is open to reduce internal pressure. Some leakage is normal, in any event.

joe b    -- 06-03-2012 @ 9:12 AM
  I had a chronic rear main seal leak. After my initial rebuild of my '41 Ford engine the seal let go after 223 miles. Installed another one and it lasted 2 years. Long story short when it was time for the 4th seal I was lucky enough to find a guy who was a Ford mechanic in the day.He said that the helical groove in the crank shaft that rides on the seal was wrong. It was cut much deeper and wider than it should be. I took it to 2 good flathead experienced machine shops and they agreed. I looked at 8 cranks these shops had and none were like mine. We put a different crank and new seal in and I have not had a problem since.
Also, as Super says all agree that the trim on the seal is critical.
Just something to look for.

supereal    -- 06-03-2012 @ 11:11 AM
  Be sure that the oil leak is actually from the crank seal. If oil is coming out of the hole in the lower side of the flywheel/clutch of the pan, it is possible that the oil gallery plug behind the flywheel is the source. Failure to properly seal this plug is not rare. While it is pipe threaded, sealer applied to the plug, not the hole, is required. If the oil is, in fact, dripping off the bottom of the pan, but not out of the hole, check the area on top of the housing for a leak from, or around, the oil pressure sensor, or the sensor, itself. The main seal is often the suspect, but not always the culprit. As I said earlier, all crank seals tend to leak, but if the leak increases considerably, look carefully before you yank the engine.

Texas40    -- 06-04-2012 @ 7:29 AM
  Thanks for the help. It is nice to have confirmation from experienced folks before advising friends. Thanks for the added tips on steps to help minimize the leakage. I always joke the pan gaskets and seals were Fords secret oil indicator, if it still drips that means it still has oil.
See you guys out on the road where V8's belong.

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