Topic: Missing V8 Times ?????

Grant    -- 12-17-2009 @ 5:42 PM
  Good evening, gentlemen,

I still haven't received my copy of the November December 2009 V8 Times issue. How long have you fellows had yours ?

Also, I now have a nagging doubt with respect to the September October issue......did I receive that one either ? Could you please tell me what was on the covers of Sept/Oct '09, and what the feature articles were ?

Thanks for your assistance.

Regards, Grant

deluxe40    -- 12-17-2009 @ 5:56 PM
  I can't find one for November/December. The one on top of the pile is Vol 46, #5, September/October 2009. It has a tan '34 Station Wagon on the front cover and a red '36 Panel Delivery on the back. Features include the '09 Eastern National Meet.

trjford8    -- 12-17-2009 @ 6:37 PM
  Grant, not sure where you live, but most of us on the west("left") coast are still waiting for our Nov.-Dec. issue. I think some on the east coast have received theirs. It's all in the hands of the post office and with this being the busy time of the year the Times may not be "on time". One good thing about the V-8 Times is it's always worth the wait.

George    -- 12-17-2009 @ 6:52 PM
  Mine arrived on Wednesday, Dec. 15th. I wonder if all copies are mailed out on the same day? Probably not, that would be a HUGE mailing in just one day. So, they are probably spread out over several days - does anyone know, one way or the other? By the way, it is simply a very great issue, seeing as I am a '34 owner (1934 Ford pickup truck; partially restored).
George Maher
Fargo, North Dakota


Grant    -- 12-17-2009 @ 8:07 PM
  Thanks for the responses, guys.

I'm in Ontario about 100 miles east of Detroit.

Logically, the magazines definitely have to be mailed in batches. On the other hand, one might think that all Nov/Dec copies would be delivered by the third week in December.

I certainly don't have a November/December 2009 V8 Times, and by the description of a 34 woodie and a 36 panel on the covers of the prior issue, I don't believe that a copy of the September/October 2009 V8 Times ever got to me either.

This is frustrating.


v8teditor    -- 12-18-2009 @ 10:09 AM
  As per previous post, the magazines were mailed 12/8 a few days late, no doubt due to the Thanksgiving holidays. I just got mine here in CA a couple, days ago. They're out there making their way through the USPS and thankfully this time of year they may move faster than normal - believe it or not! Oh yea, the cover is a nice 1934 Tudor Sedan and the back cover is a photo of a 1934 Roadster - and yes, it IS a Roadster - also with a very attractive young lady in era dress standing next to the car. Zowie!!

This message was edited by v8teditor on 12-18-09 @ 10:11 AM

v8teditor    -- 12-18-2009 @ 10:15 AM
  If you find you do not have the Sep/Oct issue, please contact Cornerstone Registration (1/2 page ad on last page) and request another be sent. Cornerstone will replace magazines but not until 30 days from the original mailing occurred just to make sure two copies are not sent and we only have so many printed. Saying that, if you get a damaged copy, that will be replaced earlier. For some reason, Canada has a terrible delivery record. In fact, earlier this year several hundred magazines sent to Canada completely disappeared and had to be reprinted and resent.

This message was edited by v8teditor on 12-18-09 @ 10:16 AM

JebNY    -- 12-18-2009 @ 3:18 PM
  Just got mine on the 16th in upstate NY.

Knowing how the mail works with another clubs mailing it varies all over the place. The other clubs December mailing has already reach some people on the East coast from the MidWest and mine has not yet arrived, even thoght it would have been on the way to the East.


1950 F1 Stake

Chevguy49Ford    -- 12-18-2009 @ 4:42 PM
  Hey Grant; I am over here in NS and mine isn't here yet. It has only been ten days from the mailing date, I wouldn't expect it for at least a few more days yet.

Cheers, Scott.

1949 Custom Tudor.

194dee1    -- 12-18-2009 @ 6:29 PM
  Here it is Dec 18 and mine was not here in Baltimore in todays mail. Maybe tomorrow but we are due for 10 to 14 inches of snow starting tonight so it may be some time next week.

trjford8    -- 12-19-2009 @ 6:44 AM
  Grant, when you contact Cornerstone about the missing magazines make sure your dues are up to date.Many times when guys don't get the "Times" it's due to forgetting to pay their dues.

Grant    -- 12-19-2009 @ 12:24 PM
  Thank you, everyone, for your responses.

Mr. v8teditor:

You guys publish a fabulous magazine. I read them over and over again.....the information is superb. And, this Forum has helped solve problems with our Fords several times. Unbelievable ! Why have I owned and worked on flatheads for 35 years and only been an EFV8 member for two ?????

The reason that Canada has a terrible delivery record is probably Canada Post. I was one of those up here who missed that issue a while ago. Most postal people are pretty good, but there are some who have a less-than-ideal attitude. Big time.

I am now 98% certain that my September/October issue never made it to my mailbox. Thanks for telling me about Cornerstone.......I'll contact them on Monday.

Regards and Merry Christmas to one and all,


194dee1    -- 12-22-2009 @ 12:42 PM
  no V8imes yet at 22 Dec. Maybe after Christmas

Chevguy49Ford    -- 12-22-2009 @ 5:16 PM
  I don't have mine yet either.

Cheers, Scott.

1949 Custom Tudor.

trjford8    -- 12-22-2009 @ 8:44 PM
  Just received mine today out here on the "left coast".

194dee1    -- 12-24-2009 @ 12:45 PM
  YAHOO I finally got my V8Times for nov/dec 09 today Dec 24.
Maybe it was the box of cookies my wife left in the mail box a few days ago.
All the best for the holidays to all.

trjford8    -- 12-24-2009 @ 7:42 PM
  John, my wife left cookies also and right after she did it my Times showed up. I think I see a pattern here with the post office!

Midnight Man    -- 12-25-2009 @ 9:52 AM
  Wow! Someone should have told me about the cookies earlier, perhaps by now I would have mine! I didn't know Santa was delivering the Times this year. Oh well, maybe after Christmas.

Midnight Man

42wagon    -- 12-26-2009 @ 10:59 AM
  Hey gang
My copy arrived today (Dec 26th) here in the rural hills of Connecticut. If they went in the mail on the 8th it only took eighteen days. Just looked quickly at it and it looks like it was well worth the wait.

TomO    -- 12-26-2009 @ 11:03 AM
  Will the cookies help with getting my Hemmings before it shows up on the news stands?

I guess that we are pretty lucky with out US postal service. It seems that I hear that the English service goes on strike almost every Christmas.


Grant    -- 12-28-2009 @ 7:02 PM

I spoke to Jen at Cornerstone this morning. With respect to the November December 2009 V8 Times which has not yet gotten to some of us members in Canada, she thinks it should arrive in early January.

In order to obtain a copy of the September October 2009 issue, which for some reason I never did receive, Jen referred me to Dave Rasmussen in California. I spoke to Dave earlier this evening......he has promised to send one out.

Thanks again to one and all for their comments and patient assistance.

johnmyron    -- 12-30-2009 @ 10:42 AM
  Jerry-Still do not have mine in Long Beach, CA. Do I contact COrnerstone or ?
John Wells

nelsb01    -- 12-30-2009 @ 1:55 PM
  The proper procedure is to wait 30 days --- otherwise you will be most likely getting 2 copies and the supply for those new members will be demished.
I suggest you also check to see if you missed renewing. According to Jen, that is the NUMBER 1 problem with those that do not get their V-8 TIMES.

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