Topic: 37 Book has Shipped

Don Rogers    -- 12-16-2009 @ 1:41 PM
  The 37 Book shipped yesterday, 12/15/09, and I received my copy today. For all of you who pre-ordered, you should have your books in the next few days, in time for Christmas!!!!!!

doning    -- 12-16-2009 @ 4:23 PM
  So...what's it like??? I'm hoping I'll be getting mine soon! Can't wait...

Bill Wright    -- 12-16-2009 @ 5:56 PM
I tried to order mine...BUT ... the guy they reffered me to won't return my calls.

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

Don Rogers    -- 12-16-2009 @ 6:15 PM
  Bill, I don't know who the guy is that you tried to contact but you can order the book on line at this site or you can email your order in at or you can call 707-226-5256.

Don Rogers    -- 12-16-2009 @ 6:17 PM
  It's great! Lots of details, photos, and facts. If you have a 37, this book is a must!!!

Bill Wright    -- 12-16-2009 @ 7:28 PM
  Called the 707 # guy's too busy I guess.

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

nelsb01    -- 12-17-2009 @ 6:05 AM
  You have online access, so you can order online from this site.
You must have a credit card, or else you wouldnt be trying to call the guy -- cause the only way you can order over the phone is with a credit card. So, help the guy that is boxing them up and shipping them off and order online. Its more secure than just calling a phone number and giving out your information.
Once again people amaze me.

trjford8    -- 12-17-2009 @ 7:58 AM
  Bill, not sure why you are not getting a call back on the book.You should know that the people who sell our books have full time jobs. By the time they get home it may be too late to call you if you live on the east coast.They usually make call backs on the weekends.One question I might ask is "do you have an answering machine? If you don't then they might be playing "phone tag" with you.
If you get the V-8 Times there is an address listed where you can send a check with your request for the 37 book. Also as mentioned, you can order the book on-line and it will be shipped to you.The people who handle the V-8 Club books try very hard to make the customer happy.

Don Rogers    -- 12-17-2009 @ 10:31 AM
  Tom, You might want to suggest to the Board that a notice of "Weekends Only" be listed with the Phone number if calls are unable to be returned during the week days.

Bill Wright    -- 12-17-2009 @ 6:44 PM
  Gee, I wish I thought of that. I do have internet access and a credit card.But I don't choose to order merchandise" online"! So that explains why I called the guy. Another reason was the mans name.I think I may have lived next door to him or his family at one time and I wanted to ask him about it. But I just want to "Amaze" you nelsb01!

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

trjford8    -- 12-17-2009 @ 6:46 PM
  Don, they do return calls during the week, but sometimes due to the time difference they do not call the east coast in the evening. A lot depends on when they get home from work.

ford38v8    -- 12-17-2009 @ 10:48 PM
  Bill, Knowing how Bruce is, he gets himself all "amazed" and "tied in knots" all the time, so don't take it personal.
He's an old grouch and getting grouchier as he gets older and he's loving it!


Kens 36    -- 12-18-2009 @ 1:31 PM
  UPS just delivered my copies of the book. It is fantastic! Congratulations to the entire team who worked on the book and especially to Bob York and the others who worked tirelessly over the last couple of years to get this project completed.


37RAGTOPMAN    -- 12-18-2009 @ 4:08 PM
I ordered My 37 book last night,right off this web site, 2 minutes and it was done, wanted to get one before they might run out,

37 Coupe    -- 12-18-2009 @ 4:47 PM
  Would somebody post how they are receiving or have received the 37 book,postal or UPS? I have had some trouble with some deliveries lately.Thank You.Never could get tracking info.

Kens 36    -- 12-18-2009 @ 5:45 PM

As I mentioned above, UPS.


37 Coupe    -- 12-18-2009 @ 5:57 PM
  I saw it right after I posted my request and was looking for it,for some reason I keep forgetting additional pages.

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