Topic: Removing gas tank

Arts40    -- 02-28-2012 @ 7:04 PM
  Honest, I've searched forum and back issues of V8 Times for it, but can't relocate the great little how-to I saw in one of those places.

The car is a '40 Deluxe Convertible that hasn't been messed with, so I'm keen on getting the tank out with least disturbances to it and the car.

If someone knows the (article?) (letter?) (post?) I mean, could they please post it again?



deluxe40    -- 02-28-2012 @ 8:05 PM
  I just searched this forum (General Ford Discussion) for "40 fuel tank" and found your original post from 2-08-12 with several helpful responses. (Computers don't know that "gas" and "fuel" are equivalent.)_

This message was edited by deluxe40 on 2-28-12 @ 8:06 PM

Arts40    -- 03-01-2012 @ 6:33 AM
  Bingo! Bears out the old saying about how--when lost--one goes in circles, I guess.

It was trjford8's post in particular that I'd lost track of, and all the others in the string are a big help, also.

Thanks, Deluxe, for helping me out of the woods on this one!


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