Topic: Judging Question

daoust    -- 11-07-2011 @ 10:05 AM
  Would a 1947 Ford convertible with a Mitch*ll overdrive installed as an accessory have points deducted in a judged show? Would the deduction also apply to an installed Columbia overdrive?

kubes40    -- 11-07-2011 @ 10:31 AM
  Yes, the Mitch*ll a deduction without question. The Columbia with the proper controls should be accepted.

This message was edited by kubes40 on 11-7-11 @ 10:34 AM

daoust    -- 11-07-2011 @ 10:53 AM
  I'm new to this so please excuse the dumb question. How much of a deduction would that be? For instance, under the judging CD I got from EFV8 Club store said somethig like "deduct 1 point for each 5 incorrect screws." Pretty insignificant. How much of a deduction would the Mitch*ll OD get? Any idea?

David Daoust

ford38v8    -- 11-07-2011 @ 11:56 AM
  David, I'm reluctant to comment on any particular accessory itself, but I can tell you that the Judging Forms do address accessories as either major or minor, with a very modest deduction. Look to the bottom of each page for the "Added Accessories" section. You will see the standard and maximum deductions. Bear in mind also that modifications performed to a car such as holes drilled or panels altered to accommodate the accessory may also draw point deductions, as will the absence of those parts of the car that were replaced by the accessory. This is not to imply that those deductions would add up to unreasonable proportions, but rather that every point deducted can itself become the straw that breaks the camel's back, so careful consideration must be given any such modification.


daoust    -- 11-07-2011 @ 12:24 PM
  I guess it comes down to show points versus improved driveability. Thanks everyone.

David Daoust

Stroker    -- 11-07-2011 @ 1:03 PM
  Well, IMHO your stunningly beautiful 47 DESERVES a Columbia, and then you can have your cake and eat it too.

daoust    -- 11-07-2011 @ 1:31 PM
  Thank you Stroker. Columbias ODs are very hard to find in good condition. That's why I was thinking about the Mitch*ll OD which Macs carries.

Another pic attached.

David Daoust

42ford    -- 11-07-2011 @ 2:25 PM
  Great looking car. I was wondering about the color of the paint? What color is it? Is it a 47 color? The seats look great. Did Ford open cars in 47 have 2 color seats?
Do you have the stock 59Ab?
Again fantastic looking car

Stroker    -- 11-07-2011 @ 3:34 PM

It just so happens that the manager of this Forum is the go-to person when it comes to Columbias. He may be contacted at: John can help you get started.

I have a 38 Ford with a Columbia that my dad purchased new. I have no qualms regarding the Mitch-ll,
but of course it isn't original. It is an excellent, bullet proof design but so is a well prepared
up-graded Columbia. At some point, you may consider parting with your beauty. Having the correct overdrive will enhance the value of your already very desirable ride, and give you a real "cruiser"
that can win awards in the meantime.

They're out there, just haunt Ebay, but follow John's advice before paying too much for a basket case.
If it were me, given my life-long Columbia affair, I'd opt for the "Skyway Drive".


Stroker    -- 11-07-2011 @ 3:34 PM
  deleted double post.

This message was edited by Stroker on 11-7-11 @ 3:40 PM

supereal    -- 11-07-2011 @ 4:11 PM
  I have a Ryan OD under my '47 convertible, and it really improves hiway driving. I spent a year seeking a Columbia that was complete, in usable shape, and not a fortune. Most were junkyard refugees with no controls, and unknown internal conditions. I don't show my cars, preferring to have fun on the road. I have no quarrel with a concourse specimen, but safety and drivability trumps awards for me.

ford38v8    -- 11-07-2011 @ 8:59 PM
  David, I have to agree with Stroker on all points. Nobody could have said it better than "Stunningly Beautiful", and for such a car, nothing but a Columbia will do. I see the trophy on the fender, so awards apparently are important as well as drivability, so if it were me, I'd mortgage my soul to put the correct Columbia in it. Here's hoping you'll be convinced!


kubes40    -- 11-08-2011 @ 5:54 AM
  David Daoust
Private message sent...

TomO    -- 11-08-2011 @ 6:59 AM
  Another alternative is the 3:54 rear end. It will allow you to cruise nicely at 55MPH on the Interstates and still give you decent performance in the city.

It is less expensive than a Columbia and will not add to the value of the car like a Columbia will, but it does make the car a very nice driver.

A Columbia will add it cost to the proceeds when you sell, a Mitch*ll will not.


BrianCT    -- 11-08-2011 @ 4:58 PM
  I would go with the 3.54 ratio.
Also, like your car and the license plate.

nelsb01    -- 11-08-2011 @ 9:03 PM
Someone noticed the license plate.
I was waiting for that.

daoust    -- 11-09-2011 @ 8:25 AM
  Yes, it's an original color from 1947. Blue-Gray. Seat are correct also. Bedford cord material with vinyl. Thank you for the compliments.

David Daoust

daoust    -- 11-09-2011 @ 9:49 AM
  License Plate: She let me buy the car. I thought it was the least I could do.

David Daoust

51f1    -- 11-10-2011 @ 10:50 AM
  At 1 point deduction for each 5 incorrect screws, if my restored truck were judged, it would be awarded a zero, because practically all of my fasteners are incorrect. (I recall that there are 1,200 nuts and bolts.) But it drives very well.


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