Topic: hey efv8

fomocoloco    -- 11-02-2011 @ 11:56 AM
  i dont see 'choose file' anywhere. help.


ford38v8    -- 11-02-2011 @ 1:42 PM
  weezer, if I may answer for John, the choose file button is directly below the window you typed your question in. If it was a snake you'da been a gonner!


fomocoloco    -- 11-02-2011 @ 1:55 PM
  ford38v8; thanks for the help, but under the window is "browse", 'preview", and "submit reply". no choose file anywhere.


Dolman    -- 11-02-2011 @ 2:09 PM
  Click on Browse. Then search for your photo. When found double click on it and the file will appear in the Image Attachment window. Then you can click on submit reply

fomocoloco    -- 11-02-2011 @ 2:09 PM
  any other ford lovers out there w/no "choose file" button, or should i have myself committed?


fomocoloco    -- 11-02-2011 @ 2:14 PM


fomocoloco    -- 11-02-2011 @ 2:18 PM
  many thanks for the help. Whisky says thanks too.


lightflyer1    -- 11-02-2011 @ 10:54 PM
  I can see we are due for some more computer lessons. I will stop by again. Looks like you made it though. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

TomO    -- 11-03-2011 @ 7:46 AM
  Does the dog say "Aye, and thrifty too"

Do you have a MAC? That may be why you did not see the Choose File.

Glad that you were able to post a photo, now if you could just reduce the file size slightly to give us faster downloads, we would appreciate it.


Dolman    -- 11-03-2011 @ 8:53 AM
  Big mystery. I am using Internet Explorer on a PC and I too do not see a "Choose File" button. Below the message box are "Image Attachment with a window to its right and to the right of the window is a "Browse" button. Below those are a check box, "Show my signature in this message." And below the check box are a "Preview button" and a "Submit Reply" button. Perhaps there are two versions of the page depending upon when a member joined?

fomocoloco    -- 11-03-2011 @ 10:11 AM
  TomO; I'll be glad to do that as soon as i can convince a COMPUTER SNOB (nerd) friend to show me how.


lightflyer1    -- 11-03-2011 @ 10:19 AM
  The choose file is not a button it is the name of the window that opens when you hit the browse button. It allows you to navigate your computer to select which picture you want to upload to this site. After selecting the file hit the open button and it will remember its location and name to upload with your post. Weezer, small steps grasshopper. You forget half of what I show you each time I am there like any newbie to computers. You are making good progress though for an old(older) guy.

This message was edited by lightflyer1 on 11-3-11 @ 10:20 AM

TomO    -- 11-03-2011 @ 2:43 PM
  Hey Weezer, I am sorry that I misled you.

I did not realize that IE did not show the same tags as Google Chrome. I stopped using IE because of the many hangs it had and the convenience of the real time spell checker in Google Chrome.

Google shows "Choose File" Internet Explorer shows "Browse"

What program do you use to view and save your photos? I may be able to help you.


Stroker    -- 11-03-2011 @ 3:39 PM
  Weez: If it was me, I'd download Chrome (it's free), and simplify your life. I gave up on IE when Chrome came out in 07' and I've never regretted it. I am by mind-set a "Luddite",
so I don't take kindly to computer unfriendliness. I used to swear by Apples & Macintoshes, until I got tired of paying a premium for their slick, albeit user-friendly hardware. Now I use Windoze XP and rely on my Chrome browser to reduce the number of clicks I need to get to the Forum. The fact that so many of us couldn't figure out what your problem was, may be because so many of us that use 'puters gave up on IE years ago.

ford38v8    -- 11-03-2011 @ 3:55 PM
  I don't know what any of you are talking about! My Macbook Pro uses Safari 5.1.1, I haven't used IE for ages, and never heard of Chrome. Pictures download in a blink, new windows load even faster. You old geezers oughta bite the bullet and get one.


Stroker    -- 11-03-2011 @ 4:16 PM
  Alan: You paid too much! I have owned An Apple II, an Apple IIc, Macintosh SE30, Macintosh
Power PC. I hate Windoze, but it has gradually gotten closer to the Mac OS. My next computer will run Linux, as I'm tired of paying for cr*p. You really ought to give up on Safari, and install Chrome though, IMHO.

I'm trying to save up for an IPad III, so I can keep up with Supereal.

lightflyer1    -- 11-03-2011 @ 4:54 PM
  Weez is running windows 7 and IE9 I think. He is new to the computer users world (less than 6 months since introduced). I am responsible for keeping him running and coaching him. Coaching him to load Chrome or even alter picture sizes might be a little too much right now. Once he gets some experience behind him, have at him. He is a good kid (65?) and learning fast!

TomO    -- 11-04-2011 @ 7:34 AM

I though all of the younger generation leaned computers in school.

You deserve a medal for helping him learn how to use his computer.


Stroker    -- 11-04-2011 @ 3:36 PM
  Weezer: I'm 72, and I wouldn't be "infesting" this Forum if I hadn't been forced (kicking and screaming, I might add) into the world of 'puters back in the 70's. I fought them tooth and tong, but my livelihood depended upon my adopting this foreign (to me) technology. I'll never really understand how they work, even though I've always prided myself on knowing "how things work".

What I've come to realize is that they are useful, and I only need to know how to make them work for me. I had the same issues no too long ago with cameras. I used to do commercial photography, and to me anything smaller than a 5 by 7 inch film negative was just for hobbyists. Along comes the digital age, and I've had to adapt (A LOT!).

I think sometimes us old farts are drawn back to the early Fords simply because they work quite well without any help from computers.

lightflyer1    -- 11-04-2011 @ 6:28 PM
  I am 52 and work as a computer chip designer on computers all day and much of the evening as well. Weezer is 10 or 15 years my senior. I think I got him interested when he saw me easily finding and buying parts online. He is getting pretty used to surfing and some ebay stuff. Adding a digital camera and how to get the pics from it to the computer is coming along. Biggest drawback I have found with people learning is explaing the file system workings and how to tell them where to save something and how to find it again later. Weezer will probably have it all down pat in 3 to 6 more months. Things happen faster once you get a little knowledge under your belt.

trjford8    -- 11-04-2011 @ 7:35 PM
  weezer, I like your "pooch". Looks like he would be a great playmate for my Jack Russell.

fomocoloco    -- 11-04-2011 @ 7:55 PM
  My little dog 'Whisky' rides shotgun perched on the package tray of my 36 coupe. He drools out all 3 windows.


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