Topic: dennis carpenter

46fordnut    -- 09-03-2011 @ 8:06 PM
  i just got a fuel sender made by dennis carpenter . how does it work my tank is 17 gallons. i know i have to measure the tank depth. then cut the float arm. does the measurement include the top of where the unit bolts to? and with the new bend to install it back on the float arm unit? would someone know how much to cut off?

100 horse running wild

supereal    -- 09-03-2011 @ 9:05 PM
  If the float arm doesn't contact a baffle in the tank, usually just bending the arm will allow the sender to read correctly. We have had to extend the arms sometimes, but not cut them

46fordnut    -- 09-03-2011 @ 9:33 PM
  ok..i will check it out and see how it looks some time later on this week. thank you.

100 horse running wild

ford38v8    -- 09-04-2011 @ 12:07 AM
  Mr 46, Your new sender will not show the full range of full to empty. You'll need to run your tank empty. Do not drain it, but drive until empty, hopefully very near home. Then put two gallons of gas in the tank. This is to be your reserve level, to be indicated by the gage needle just touching the empty mark. As Super advised, adjust the sender rod by bending it, in order to send the empty message to the gage. This will require several install/remove/bend operations, so be patient and get it accurate.

Your gage will now remain above the full mark until the tank is 2/3 full, but will then indicate accurately as it nears the empty mark.


40cpe    -- 09-04-2011 @ 5:19 PM
  I agree with the previous comments. I just went through this. The problem with the aftermarket senders is that they are linear from full to empty while the Ford factory style gauges are not. I laid my sender on the trunk floor, hooked up the gauge wire and a jumper to ground. I moved the float arm until I got an empty reading on the gauge. In my case it was almost horizontal. To allow the arm to be at full position within the confines of the tank I had to move the sender rheostat unit very far down the adjustable bracket (toward the bottom of the tank) to be able to read somewhat correctly on the gauge. As previously noted, it will take sever trips in/out of the tank to get the range you desire.

46fordnut    -- 09-05-2011 @ 11:49 AM
  found that it reads fine out of the tank but when i put it in the gauge does nothing. how do i make so it works in the car.. i think i lost ground. its 6volt pos ground system. how do i do the ground? tried one time gauge went to full and stayed there. took out the after market put same type it should have still no reading. if i ground the wire from the sender to the frame, fuel gauge goes to full .

100 horse running wild

This message was edited by 46fordnut on 9-5-11 @ 3:37 PM

40cpe    -- 09-06-2011 @ 8:06 PM
  Have you tried running a ground wire from a mounting screw of the sender to a good chassis ground?

46fordnut    -- 09-08-2011 @ 8:12 PM
  yes the gauge goes to full and stays there. tried grounding tank to frame nothing . im going to put gas in my tank it just maybe low. ill keep you posted

100 horse running wild

supereal    -- 09-08-2011 @ 8:21 PM
  If the gauge goes to full and stays there, you have a short somewhere in the sender, if the gauge falls back when you remove the wire from the gauge terminal. Don't leave it connected, or it is likely that the gauge will be ruined. Check the insulator to be sure the terminal isn't grounded to the body of the sender. I've seen where the mounting screws of the sender are long enough to cause the short. As the gauge swings to full, the body of the sender is already grounded. It is possible your sender is faulty, or the variable resistor, or the resistor wiper is damaged. Also be sure the arm of the sender isn't pinned against the top of the tank.

trjford8    -- 09-09-2011 @ 10:41 AM
  Check the wire that goes from the resistor to the center post at the top of the unit. I recently found on mine that the solder joint at the top had broken. It was not noticeable until I accidently bumped the wire.

46fordnut    -- 09-09-2011 @ 5:40 PM
  when i take the wire off the gauge goes back down to e. but when it put it on the sender it goes nowhere. i still want to try adding gas. then if nothing then will check unit and see if it wire has a issue. ill let you now what i find out.

100 horse running wild

supereal    -- 09-10-2011 @ 8:13 AM
  You don't need to add gas until you determine if the sender is working. Connect the body of the sender to a good ground, and the gauge wire to the terminal. With the ignition turned on, move the sender arm to see if it changes the gauge reading. These repro senders are fairly flimsy, so there may be an internal problem.

46fordnut    -- 09-10-2011 @ 8:06 PM
  ok ill take sender out and try that and go from there.

100 horse running wild

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