Topic: Ford factory badges

hfts1018    -- 09-02-2011 @ 2:34 PM
  Im looking for the V-8 Times Volume & number in the current Roster of Members for the article about Ford badges and can't find it. I remember reading it and would like to read it again.
Does anyone remember the volume and number?

Your help is appreciated. Mark

MG    -- 09-02-2011 @ 4:39 PM
  Badges?,....badges? What badges? We don't need no stinking badges!!!

Sorry, I couldn't help it......MG

P.S. - I'm sure you expected this Mark......

42guy    -- 09-02-2011 @ 8:10 PM
  Volume 45 number 4 July/August 2008 has an article on Ford factory badges.

ford38v8    -- 09-02-2011 @ 8:23 PM
  Mark, I'm sure you know, but this is for those who don't:
The badges you show in your post are "Tool Checks", given as security for a borrowed tool at the Tool Crib in the Rouge Plant. They contain the personal identifying number of the employee who borrowed that tool, and are returned to that employee upon return of the tool.


hfts1018    -- 09-04-2011 @ 6:22 PM
  Thank you, yes I do. Mark

hfts1018    -- 09-04-2011 @ 6:23 PM
  Thanks to all who replied I found it. Mark

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