Topic: Spanky

Dolman    -- 09-02-2011 @ 7:37 AM
  The postings by Spanky may be hacking but they do not relate to any of the topics and my opinion is that at the least are of poor taste and do not belong in this forum.

supereal    -- 09-02-2011 @ 7:51 AM
  Do not be tempted to open any of that "spam". It is likely that it contains a "trojan" that will infect your system. We had one of those on a shop computer last year, and it wiped the hard drive! I assume the webmaster is aware of the situation, as those postings are gone.

This message was edited by supereal on 9-2-11 @ 7:52 AM

Dolman    -- 09-02-2011 @ 8:00 AM
  Time to visit the eye doctor. Misread the name of the offensive poster.

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