Topic: columbian rear axle

jiw1    -- 08-30-2011 @ 9:54 AM
  hey guys,i,m looking at a barn find, 46-48 that has sunk in the ground to the there any way of knowing if this car has a columbian rear axle other then looking at the axle itself? any info. will help.thanks,johnny

supereal    -- 08-30-2011 @ 11:28 AM
  You can look inside to see if there are any controls. That doesn't mean the Columbia axle is present, but it is easier than digging. If you can see the center of the rear axle, you will notice if the left half is larger and considerably different than the right, which would indicate it has one. Any vehicle in that condition may not be worth salvaging, even for the axle.

mdurhan    -- 08-30-2011 @ 2:18 PM
  I offer this information to be of help - not to create humor at your expense. It is called a "Columbia", not a "Columbian".

I certainly profess to be no grammar expert, but if it were a "Columbian" rear, that would indicate it was native to some location named Columbia - perhaps Columbia, South Carolina, Columbia, Missouri, or Columbia, South America, or some other geographic location with the name Columbia.

I once told my wife that I saw a great number of Canadian geese over on Bubba Hugh's pond. (Bubba Hugh is my farmer neighbor and he helps me test various brands of bourbon for flavor, smoothness and clarity.) She said, "How do you know they were Canadian geese - did you check their passports?"

Suspicious as I was, because my wife is smarter than me, I foolishly answered, "I know what they look like and these were Canadian geese."

She replied, "I think you saw 'Canada Geese'. They may, or may not, have been Canadian. It depends upon where they hatched. Now, leave that old Ford alone for now. Get in here and wash that grease off your hands. Supper's ready." She had given me a clear, concise grammar lesson in her own sweet, gentle, loving way...

I hope you have found a "Columbia". Maybe you found a "Columbian Columbia" (from Columbia). By any name they are very nice options.

I need to sign off now. Bubba Hugh is here and we have work to do....

Mike Durhan

This message was edited by mdurhan on 8-30-11 @ 2:34 PM

mdurhan    -- 08-30-2011 @ 2:20 PM
  delete of a double post.

This message was edited by mdurhan on 8-30-11 @ 2:28 PM

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