Topic: Using Hand Signals

doning    -- 08-21-2011 @ 4:55 PM
  How many of you guy's use hand signals when turning left or right while driving? Many times I forget to do it and my neighbor yelled at me for not doing it. How come when I watch the old movies on the TCM channel I don't see anyone using hand signals?

kubes40    -- 08-21-2011 @ 5:24 PM
  Hand signals?
Around here (Wisconsin / Illinois) it seems only about half the folks use any kind of signals whatsoever. I've counted numerous times - it's about half or less.
Yellow lights mean speed up and get through to most and red lights, well, they mean roll through if at all possible.
I can't believe most folks have any clue what a proper hand signal is or what it's used for.

oldford2    -- 08-21-2011 @ 5:31 PM
  Hand signals?
Around here the drivers are so bad all I get are finger signals

MG    -- 08-21-2011 @ 6:05 PM
  I'm a firm believer in 'CYA' and always use hand signals. In this litigious society we live in, hand signals should always be used by those of us who have cars which are not equipped with blinkers. In fact, I've been known roll down the passenger side window and stick my hand out to signal my intent to merge to the right on multilane roads where I know that cars to the right of me can't see my hand signal out the drivers side window. Or, if I have a passenger, I have them make my intentions known. Besides, in most states, it's still the law to use hand signals when cars do not have blinkers......

Gary M.    -- 08-21-2011 @ 6:16 PM
  As I was signaling a right turn one day,on coming traffic was waving to me.
Bunch of rocket scientists out there these days!! Its been 35 years since I took the permit test but I wonder if they still require you to know hand signals. When I took the road test you were required to use blinkers and hand signals. We are fast becoming a lawless country,I hate to say!

Bill Wright    -- 08-21-2011 @ 6:35 PM
  I use hand signals..........However........
Most people here in Calfabulous think I'm goosing butterflies!

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

joe b    -- 08-21-2011 @ 6:39 PM
  I have turn signals but still us hand signals. Here in Ohio I will get a wave now and then. I wonder if they even teach this in driver school.

46fordnut    -- 08-25-2011 @ 8:28 PM
  here in nj i use hand signals but some people tend to eather honk at me or tell me to use my turn signals on the car. then if i see the same car at the light i tell them it has none. they just give me some blank stair.i dont know if it just no one cares to use or understand them or its just a lost art. eahther way i see some really dumb things on the road these days. like doing a cross word puzzle in traffic, or shaving while driving on a major highway. or the best on eating with knife and fork in your car while driving with your knee on a major highway and the person had a plate too on there's enough to make you think of giving up you papers.

100 horse running wild

51f1    -- 08-26-2011 @ 6:14 AM
  We have this column in our local newspaper (yes, we still have a newspaper, and I read it everyday) called Vox Populi where people send in comments on any subject. Occasionally people complain about drivers not using turn signals. I don't know who these people are, as I almost never see anyone use their turn signals. Maybe they don't use them either. Hand signals? Anyone younger than 50 probably wouldn't have a clue.


wrosenkrans    -- 08-26-2011 @ 7:16 AM
  Here outside Philadelphia I use hand signals, but I really don't think most drivers have a clue what they mean. Occasionally I get a knowing nod from a driver over 50, but that's rare.

What are the Rouge-class rules on turn signals? A fall project for our '42 is rewiring (the existing original wiring is a bit scary) and I thought that might be the opportune time to add turn signals.

Wayne & Barb
'42 Super De Luxe Tudor

40guy    -- 08-26-2011 @ 1:03 PM
  I use hand signals. I'm not sure how many people know what they mean these days, but I use them nonetheless.

42wagon    -- 08-26-2011 @ 3:12 PM
  Hand signals have not gone a way. At least not in the State of Connecticut. The law requires you to make your intentions known either by light, mechanical signal, or hand signals. It goes on to describe the proper hand signals to be used.

Incidentally Connecticut law requires you to use a signal when leaving the curb and entering a travel lane.

Stroker    -- 08-26-2011 @ 3:46 PM
  When I started driving trucks, we didn't have flashers. In order to signal, we had a semaphore with reflectors mounted up high on the left side of the cab, with a cable-operated
lever that you could reach up with your left hand, and "notch" into the correct position to indicate your intentions. The first notch brought the arm out at about 30 deg. from vertical to indicate that you were slowing down. The second click was a left turn, and full-travel put the semaphore straight up; same as hand signals. Unlike hand signals though, you had to remember to
"cancel" the device after you downshifted, turned, and resumed travel.

Regardless of your chosen signalling devices, you need to observe your "opponents" reaction via the rear view mirror(s), or eye contact. When all you see is the other driver apparently looking at his belly-button, you can assume that his brain is only engaged in the current text message.

Dolman    -- 08-26-2011 @ 4:10 PM
  I had a Volkswagen with the semaphore type signals. They were they were called machs nix (makes no difference) sticks because you could put both sides up at the same time.

johnpoly    -- 08-26-2011 @ 4:33 PM
  I am a fanatic about originality. I use hand signals to let the fools behind me that I am doing something. If they do not understand what I mean I speed up and get out of their way. Most drivers here in NC seem to get it. However I do not use hand signals at night. No one can see them. I just wait until the coast is clear. The one hand signal I will not use is the "bird". That could get me shot and I do not want to die in my '36 Cabriolet. just buried in it.

1934 Ford    -- 08-27-2011 @ 3:07 PM
  After reaqding this thread, I just had to share this story:
Once upon a time we had a neighbor who liked old cars too, but was afraid to drive them and would get orgasmic about getting a trophy. He had a 39 Buick, then a 51 Chevrolet and few 60's cars, all closet queens. The cars only left the house if he thought a trophy was a possibility.
On the other hand, we drove our flathead 6 volt Fords on Great Races, Glidden Tours or any excuse we could find to use them.
We also belonged to a very active Model A Club, so I suggested this guy gets a real old car like a Model A and start enjoying the driving part of the hobby.
His reply was: "The really old ones don't have turn signals and if I added them, I'd loose points".
So, I said "How about using hand signals"?
He said he'd "have to practice up on them and that was to much work".
I gave up on the Trophy People after that!

supereal    -- 08-27-2011 @ 3:14 PM
  My flashing LED bar gets attention when I apply the brakes. Anyone with half a brain can see we are slowing, even if they don't understand hand signals. I'm not sure they even teach them in driver's Ed anymore. I live outside the city, and with a 55 mph speed limit on our road, turning into our driveway can feel like a kamikaze mission.

37V8    -- 08-29-2011 @ 8:29 AM
  Super, I saw several cars with these led bars at Auburn this past weekend. Very effective. If they miss seeing these, some of these folks might just be dumber than I think they are. Will definitely have one on the 37 stake.

supereal    -- 08-29-2011 @ 9:36 AM
  The bars are very impressive, but mine didn't prevent my car from being rearended a couple of years ago. The guy who hit me said "I was too busy admiring your car". While that was nice, it didn't make the three grand and two months to fix any easier! At least, the police that investigated the incident were impressed. They wanted to see my stop lights, assuming, I think, that they weren't visible in bright daylight. When they say the LEDs, they said it certainly wasn't my fault!

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