Topic: Ground Strap Getting Hot

DHunt    -- 11-23-2009 @ 9:18 AM
  The ground strap on our 34 Ford gets very hot while starting. Is this normal?

The ground strap is a flat braded wire type and is grounded to the frame. We have a 6V positive ground system.

I haven't owned our car long but suspect that it’s not well grounded. The starter motor spins very slow and the headlights are dim. (even for a 6V car).

I suspect this hot ground strap is trying to tell me something.

I would appreciate any insight you all might have.


David Hunt

Houston TX

39 Ken    -- 11-23-2009 @ 9:35 AM
  The ground strap is probably corroded internally. Your best bet is to replace it. If you're not concerned with originality, make up a new cable from 2/0 welding cable with the proper ends. Also, make sure the attach point on the frame is clean and shiney. This is most likely the reason for your slow starter action. Once you replace the cable you should notice a great improvement in your starter speed and light brightness. I would also go around all of the electrical connections and clean them up bright and shiney, re-attach using a di electric grease, then tighten firmly.

This message was edited by 39 Ken on 11-23-09 @ 9:39 AM

supereal    -- 11-23-2009 @ 11:33 AM
  Be sure that the ground strap is, in fact, heavy enough for 6 volt application. The connections must be cleaned until they are bright, and well tightened. We use a non-corrode grease available in the electric section of most home centers to protect them. Be sure that there is a strap between the body of the car and the engine. As a precaution, we install a separate ground cable from the place where the main ground attaches to the body, with the other end to one of the starter attaching bolts. You can use a 12 volt cable with eyelet ends for that purpose. Anytime a wire or cable gets hot under use, either the conductor is undersized, or the connections are poor. To locate such places, place your voltmeter across the circuit. Any reading of the meter indicates the loss in that particular current path. At 6 volts, even small losses have a large effect.

DHunt    -- 11-24-2009 @ 9:35 AM
  Thanks for all your comments. The site where my ground strap connects to the frame is far from shiny. I will start there and then start incorporating your other suggestions.

Thanks again

David Hunt

Houston TX

Henryat1140    -- 11-27-2009 @ 11:21 AM
  Last year I wrote an article on this very subject. You can read it at:

Hope this link works ok. Also depending on your pdf viewer, the fonts may look a little weird, but you'll get the sense of it anyway.

The connection of the ground strap to the frame is the single most important electrical connection in the whole vehicle.

It also essential to have a good battery, well charged with clean terminals and sufficiently large cables. 12 volt cables to the battery will not do the job. If you pay good attention to the above you should not have problems with slow starting.

DHunt    -- 11-30-2009 @ 11:44 AM

Thanks for the article.

Over the holiday, I cleaned up the frame to shiny metal and reattached my ground strap. However it still started slow and the ground strap got hot.

I then replace the ground strap, even though it looked ok, with a 12V cable I got at the local auto parts store. With the new cable the car started much better and didn't get hot.

Based on your note a 12V cable may not be sufficient. I also don't have any grounds from the engine to the frame or engine to the body so that is next..

Thanks Again,

David Hunt

trjford8    -- 11-30-2009 @ 6:34 PM
  Dave, the 12 volt cable is too light. You can make your own cables from 2-0 welding cable or go to a tractor supply store and you will find 6 volt cables. You might also try Napa Auto Parts as they may have 6 volt cables. You can use the 12 volt cable from the engine to the body and run a second cable from the body to the frame. Excess ground cables will not harm the system.

DHunt    -- 12-01-2009 @ 6:53 PM
  You all are smart!... I took off the 12 V ground cable and replaced it with a heavier 6V cable.

The car started quickly and the headlights shined brightly..

Thanks again.

David Hunt

Houston TX

trjford8    -- 12-01-2009 @ 7:12 PM
  Dave glad we could help. Our "smarts" come from experience(trial and eror) and those old timers that came before us.It's amazing how much we learned by just listening.

ford38v8    -- 01-08-2011 @ 6:30 PM
  Henry, I ran across the article you wrote on the importance of the ground circuit. I agree, and would offer just a bit more:

Henry is correct in that the grounding circuit is given less attention than it rightly deserves, which is probably based on the notion that if a hot wire can short to ground, it will, so why worry ?

It is true that there are many opportunities for a hot to find ground, but to actually make solid ground is another thing. Once solid ground is made as Henry instructs, there is the need to prevent future oxidation at that point, which will always happen no matter where it is or whether brass, copper, iron or lead.

Oxidation is the term used to describe the breaking down of the surface of metal. When this happens, electricity can no longer travel across the connection from one surface to the other.

Dialectric grease is the means to prevent oxidation. It is applied to all surfaces before assembly. It provides an effective barrier to the air (oxygen), keeping metal bright and shiny and capable of maintaining the connection.

One more note, oxidation doesn't care whether the circuit is positive or negative, so dialectric grease is also the way to go on all the hot wire connections.


Old Henry    -- 01-08-2011 @ 9:16 PM
  If you're interested in original style strap they're available here:

Old Henry
(The older I get, the better old looks.)

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