Topic: Better Safe Than Sorry

c-gor    -- 07-31-2011 @ 1:59 PM
  On the way home from the ENM in Saratoga Springs NY, traveling with two V8ers, we pulled into a rest stop near Bath NY for a break. On the way in, after slowing down, I heard a thump, thump that could only mean a bad rear wheel bearing. I told my traveling companions of my problem and we exited Route 86 to stop at a gas station. After touching the right rear wheel my worst fears were confirmed. The wheel was HOT. Asking for directions, I was told that Bath NY was about 3 miles down the road. We drove slowly so as not to inflict any more damage. I stopped at a few repair shops before being sent to a large truck stop. Arriving there, I asked if there were any mechanics on duty. After a few laughs one fellow approached me and asked the problem. I told him I blew a rear wheel bearing and could someone offer any support. When asked what car I was driving, I told them a 1953 Ford. The fellow looked at me and said, a 1953 Ford! He then told me that the axle bearing would have to be pressed on and because the time was 3:30 on Friday afternoon, not to expect any help that day. After explaining to him that I carried a spare axle with a bearing he looked at me and said, OK. (after hearing of how many 1949-53 fords experinced axle failures, I always carride the spare axle)
I pulled the car in and the folks were suprised at it's condition. To make a long story short, he replaced the axle in less that 30 minutes. Only a suggestion, if you drive your vehicles as we do, be aware of their "weaknesses". Fortunately, my "planning for the worst, hoping for the best", saved us an otherwise long stop. Craig Gorris

MG    -- 07-31-2011 @ 2:12 PM
  "after hearing of how many 1949-53 fords experinced axle failures"

c-gor, can you please expand on this statement as I have never heard of this having owned a '52 and '53 Fords for many years.......MG

This message was edited by MG on 7-31-11 @ 2:18 PM

ford38v8    -- 07-31-2011 @ 2:33 PM
  Craig, you got lucky. In my travels, I have never had the right spare part with me although I carry about 30 lbs of parts and another 50 lbs of tools. If you want to be sure to not have a failure, take that part with you and sure enough, something else will fail!


c-gor    -- 08-01-2011 @ 5:09 AM
  MG Hello!
The statement "after hearing how many 49-53 fords experienced axle failures" was based upon stories of fellow V8ers who during the drive to or from a National Meet or Cruise had an axle break. I personally know of four people. That is only my experience. As a result, and knowing the difficulties of finding the correct bearing and seal and having it pressed on, I tend to be a bit "anal" about the axles. I am not attempting to be "chicken little" only sharing my experience with fellow members.

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