Topic: no fuel

46fordnut    -- 07-27-2011 @ 12:52 PM
  still trying to figure this out fuel get to the glass bowl on my pump. put new valves put new bowl seal (cork). and pump push rod moves well. i do have little less then half of a tank of gas. i was thinking i might just be the flex line on the fire wall . or dia inside pump . did not see any dri rot when i took pump apart. any other ideas? line from tank to wall copper coated steal. is from 2006.

100 horse running wild

supereal    -- 07-27-2011 @ 3:08 PM
  Have you substituted a known good pump? The smallest air leak will render a pump useless, even a pinhole will do it. Old flex lines can close up due to separation of the lining from the cover and act as a check valve. It is also possible that the pickup tube in the tank has fallen off. I've seen it happen. I'd place a container under the end of the line to the carb and apply air pressure to the tank at the filler neck to see if fuel is delivered. I have little faith in the sealing quality of old cork rings to the glass bowl. A thin coating of RTV silicone to the surface can often fix that. Usually, this type of problem is easy to solve. Either the pump is bad, or the line has an air leak, or is clogged. An air pressure test should tell you which it is.

46fordnut    -- 07-27-2011 @ 3:34 PM
  blew out fuel lines . tried filling carb bowl even tried to fill sed glass bowl still wont pick up fuel. replaced check valves in pump, put new cork seal on glass bowl. put temp rubber line where flex line should be and still nothing. have close to half a tank of fuel to sender out and measured the level. car ran until carb ran out of fuel. pump never picked up anything.

100 horse running wild

MG    -- 07-27-2011 @ 4:49 PM
  As super said:

"Have you substituted a known good pump?"

46fordnut    -- 07-27-2011 @ 5:11 PM
  well i only have one pump . ill get a rebuild kit and go from there. if it does nothing ill replace flex line.

100 horse running wild

shogun1940    -- 07-27-2011 @ 6:28 PM
  if you put your finger over the inlet and turn the engine over do you feel pressure or vacuum or nothing???

46fordnut    -- 07-27-2011 @ 6:52 PM
  put finger over inlet with pump off of car very little if any vaccum.

100 horse running wild

MG    -- 07-27-2011 @ 8:58 PM
  Airtex Fuel Pump #591 (AFP 591) - Can be found at NAPA, O'Rielly's and Auto Zone - $42.95

This, only if you want to run "wild".

This message was edited by MG on 7-27-11 @ 9:00 PM

TomO    -- 07-28-2011 @ 6:54 AM

Your last post in the other thread about this problem said that you were going to hook up your vacuum gauge to the input of the fuel pump.

Did you do this? Please post the results.


46fordnut    -- 07-28-2011 @ 5:52 PM
  i cant seem to find my vac gauge. would a compression gauge work on the out put side? if so how much should it read?

100 horse running wild

TomO    -- 07-28-2011 @ 5:57 PM
  A compression gauge will not work as the output pressure is only 2.5-3lbs.

The vacuum gauge will give a good indication of why your input vacuum is so low. I suspect a leaking gasket on the sediment bowl or a bad input valve.


MG    -- 07-28-2011 @ 6:16 PM
  I suggest that, this Forum, is nothing more than a 'plaything' for Mr. "46fordnut".......;o)

PROFILE - from this Forum:

Who is 46fordnut?

User Name:

old bridge new jersey


Member since:
Oct. 15, 2009

Last Login:
July 28, 2011 at 5:52 PM

Total Posts:
176 ( 0.27 posts per day)

mech - mechanic????

fixing vintage cars - ????


This message was edited by MG on 7-28-11 @ 6:37 PM

46fordnut    -- 07-28-2011 @ 7:08 PM
  ok lets say it this way i try to do my best. sometimes even the best get lost and ask for help....if i upset someone here i dont mean to. asking some questions are the best way to learn.. if you dont ask even if to someone what seem to be dumb rather then go blindly into unsure area i tend to seek someone who has been around these cars longer then i have. im not a teacher but only a student and i must learn more then most for im not very old and all things are not lost unless not passed on to younger people . the only way this will happen is to have a flathead guru who will teach you all he or she may know. once again sorry . if you did not help me in passed who knows how far some stuff would be on the forty six . plus i never clam to know everything..that is why i ask

100 horse running wild

This message was edited by 46fordnut on 7-28-11 @ 7:09 PM

MG    -- 07-28-2011 @ 7:22 PM
  Airtex Fuel Pump #591 (AFP 591) - Can be found at NAPA, O'Rielly's and Auto Zone - $42.95

Think of this as not only a fuel pump, but rather as a tool and a teaching aid.......

46fordnut    -- 07-28-2011 @ 7:28 PM
  yes. i do think that. and i do still have alot to go. if someone will teach i will learn. without a teacher or information all is lost. ok i check my napa here i dont have the other parts place . i put brand new valves in same issue. i still need to find my vac gauge.

100 horse running wild

This message was edited by 46fordnut on 7-28-11 @ 8:20 PM

MG    -- 07-28-2011 @ 7:36 PM
  I suggest that you change your 'Occupation Profile' from mechanic to 'apprentice mechanic' then.

This message was edited by MG on 7-28-11 @ 7:41 PM

46fordnut    -- 07-28-2011 @ 7:43 PM
  lets say it this way i rebult my whole brake system on my back and replace the whole fuel system . also rebuilt my carb and even put shocks in on my back. i adj or can even replace points and much more . i think im just having a bad day today. my dad just found out he has melinoma in his ear . i just have a lot on my mind right now . also found to masses in his brain. he never smoked a day in his life. tell me how this is fair ?

100 horse running wild

This message was edited by 46fordnut on 7-28-11 @ 8:15 PM

TomO    -- 07-29-2011 @ 7:17 AM
  MG, 46fordnut may not be perfect, but then who is? His lack of action on replies to questions is sometimes frustrating, but that is no reason to attack him.

He and others come to this Forum looking for answers to their questions and we owe them the same respect that we would ask others to provide us.


Stroker    -- 07-29-2011 @ 8:45 AM
  I believe the purpose of this Forum is to disseminate the collective bits of wisdom that the experienced can share with those who simply want to know more about an early Ford or Fords.

I don't believe that there are any "dumb questions"; only "smart-assed answers". Whether "100 horses running wild" acts upon any given advice is not important. What is important are the carefully thought-out answers that most of us attempt to provide. The answers benefit anyone with a similar problem.

I believe that even a hypothetical question to a problem that doesn't actually exist is preferable to a "brush-off" type answer. Let us not discourage anyone from asking a question, no matter how juvenile it might seem to us old "jaded" know-it-all types.

I enjoy the Forum because I find new answers to old problems, and up-dated solutions that
take modern methods and materials into consideration. It is also a great resource for finding trusted suppliers. I've learned a lot, just reading answers to other peoples questions, including 46fordnut's.

MG    -- 07-29-2011 @ 11:35 AM
  When he asked if he could use a compression gauge to test his fuel pump, it prompted me to view his 'Profile' on this forum. He posted his Occupation there as being a 'mechanic'. I interpreted this to mean he is a mechanic by trade. Hence, my skepticism. He has since removed 'mechanic' and left blank his occupation on his profile page.

46fordnut    -- 07-29-2011 @ 5:32 PM
  yes i have. as i said i ask to learn from someone who knows these flathead. as for my asking about a compression gauge i meant to say some type of low pressure guage. from what i read this would not work so im am looking for a vacc gauge instead. once again i would like to thank all who have helped in my quest in finding whats wrong. you people here have never lead me wrong. as far as lack of my responces i im trying to put some money together to fix her again.

100 horse running wild

blarge    -- 07-29-2011 @ 6:48 PM
  Supereal: You advise that RTV be used to seal the cork gasket on the glass bowl of the fuel pump on my 48 Mercury. Do you just coat each side of the cork gasket with RTV, or do you eliminate the cork and just use the RTV in the pocket on the fuel pump where the cork used to go? Also, do you need a special brand of RTV that can stand up to the 10/15% entnaol fuel? Bill Large

46fordnut    -- 07-29-2011 @ 7:41 PM
  one last question .. i looked everywhere and cant find my vacc gauge . where and how much is one?

100 horse running wild

Hardie    -- 07-30-2011 @ 3:55 AM
  Note to 46fordnut. I admit I am a relative neophyte to this medium; computers and forums and the like. I have however been working on and restoring "old Fords", (T's, A's and V8's) since the late 60's and I have assembled a relatively nice collection. I have found it is imperative to ask questions of people who know and to attend to their advice and knowledge. It is just as important to dismiss the critical and the "nay-sayers". The joy of this whole pass-time of ours is the investigation of every piece, particle, and system of the old cars we like to restore and play with, the acquisition of knowledge along the way and the positive contacts we make as we go along. Manuals are good. Experience shared is the most valuable. Experience is only gained by doing. None of us know it all. None of us have done it all. You have no reason to explain yourself to anyone, enjoy your car and this great hobby. It's easy to buy and add parts until the problem corrects itself. Getting to the bottom of the problem is where the satisfaction lays. You may find, eventually, that buying a fuel pump will get you "down the road". It's the trip between here and "going down the road" that's the most enjoyable. Have fun!!


46fordnut    -- 07-30-2011 @ 4:56 AM
  i agree that is fun in having a older car.driving and learning things as you work on them is also great. sometimes you can't figure out whats wrong that is when you can ask some one like the people here for help. maybe someone here has had or seen the same issue and can help with the issue and get you back on the road again. i think henry ford had some really good ideas . this is why the old cars are still running.

100 horse running wild

ford38v8    -- 07-30-2011 @ 12:33 PM
  I haven't checked into this thread until today, admittedly due to my frustration that apparently Mr 46 has taken little if any of the advice given him to date. His questions are valid, but retrace trodden ground, and I grew tired of the same advice given to the same questions.

That said, I do solidly agree with Stroker in that advice given is intended for all, so Mr 46's questions are certainly serving a good cause in that respect. This kind of question/answer give & take is not unique to us, the format is well proven and used in many technical and non technical fields, and is read and absorbed by the knowledgeable as well as the neophytes.

The thing that is far worse than Mr 46's failure to act on advice given is an attitude taken by some that the Forum would be better off without Mr 46. The truth is that we need Mr. 46's questions, and we can do very well without attitude. The value of this Forum is to those who need questions answered. The Forum is of no value if used merely to show off our greasy fingernails.


46fordnut    -- 07-30-2011 @ 7:34 PM
  sorry i repete things but i seem to run into some issues may or may not be the same thing . if you or no one else can help or answer these type of issues how does one learn or even start to learn how or the cause or fix for this issues are done? sometimes you wonder how people are as knowing of these issues or type of things. is it possable somewhere it there life eather they read or learned it them self ? how do others learn? by someone teaching them just like happened to some others . sure it may frustrate or even drive you crazy at times. we were all students at sometime in our lives. even people who have had most of there life around any engine may still learn something new at some point. your point is taken i understand you and what you mean. i am trying to fix what you here have to me in the passed.and if does slove this issue i'll post to let you people know as soon as i can. if you what i will go away not to return . i will go and do as i did before i found this web site and fix it with out any help. sorry if i bothered everyone . i will check back to see if so. i will go .

100 horse running wild

This message was edited by 46fordnut on 7-30-11 @ 7:44 PM

ford38v8    -- 07-30-2011 @ 9:56 PM
  46, I'm afraid you've misunderstood my meaning. My point is that you and others like you who have questions are exactly the reason this Forum exists. This is a place to get answers to the questions that keep our Fords on the road. If some folks can't understand our reason for being, then it is they who are in the wrong place, not you. Don't stop posting your questions. We'll try to answer them. Deal?


46fordnut    -- 07-30-2011 @ 11:03 PM
  yes .. i did not mean that it was you who said i was to be gone..while it seems the forum has all that we who dont know all about flatheads or other types of engines i will be here to see how everyone here can help others or even some other things maybe i can even help with from what i learn from you or others here in. i wont leave or make dumb statements or questions. how ever i will make it so if i have any troubles when i post i will answer and leave how things went from this point on. the issue im working on now i have to wait till tax return time for parts. but on the bright side she is in a safe place and will never be alone. some times i cant fix the issue right then and there so by the time i can the post that i placed is long gone. that is why is dont leave feed back most of the time . i remember alot of people have helped . you are one of the many. thank you one quick thing my car asked for 28 psi in the tires is it ok to put 32 psi.

100 horse running wild

This message was edited by 46fordnut on 7-30-11 @ 11:07 PM

ford38v8    -- 07-30-2011 @ 11:54 PM
  46, 32psi is fine. The key here is to inflate to what is specified on the tire, not to the original car specification. All modern tires are so identified with pressure and load.

I'll repeat what is often said by others: "There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers." ...Questions are posed by people who wish to learn, answers are offered by people who think they know something. I ask you now, which one is way out on a limb here?


This message was edited by ford38v8 on 7-30-11 @ 11:55 PM

46fordnut    -- 07-31-2011 @ 4:40 AM
  answers are people the have done or are in (the know) on what has or had happened. i would hope if some answers something they have the proper answers and time to correct what is the trouble to begin with. the tires on my car are 600 by 16 bais ply tube type . so this is why i asked you or someone just to be sure not to be wrong in what i do.

100 horse running wild

TomO    -- 07-31-2011 @ 8:57 AM

Sears has a vacuum gauge for around $25.

You can use it to trouble shoot your fuel pump, adjust your idle and check general engine condition. It is a very useful tool to have.

If you belong to a Regional Group of the Early Ford V-8 Club, contact some of the other members and you may be able to borrow one.


46fordnut    -- 07-31-2011 @ 2:54 PM
  ok thank you. i will check out sears . im not near nor do i know anybody from this web site . soon as i can im going to buy one

100 horse running wild

ford38v8    -- 07-31-2011 @ 6:02 PM
  46, You might consider taking a 40 mile drive up I 287 to Whippany, NJ, to meet fellow V8ers from the Garden State Regional Group #38 . Their meetings are held on the second Friday every month. Give Al Gael a call at (908) 439-2798 and help celebrate their 40th anniversary.


46fordnut    -- 08-01-2011 @ 5:34 PM
  what is the time for this meet? i work till 7 at night. and would know where the show is held?

100 horse running wild

ford38v8    -- 08-01-2011 @ 5:43 PM
  46, Give Al Gael a call. He'll have details for you. I'm on the west coast and haven't been there.


46fordnut    -- 08-01-2011 @ 5:51 PM
  ok ill check it out...must be nice where you are . it was only 91 here.

100 horse running wild

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