Topic: Thermostat opening temperature

37 Coupe    -- 11-21-2009 @ 4:50 PM
  Is the rated temperature on a thermostat the temperature it begins to open or the temperature it will be fully opened? I was testing several thermostates today,160.170 and 175 and they all opened about the same or started to open at same temperature,all are NOS replacements. Another thing I noticed buying old thermostats a lot of different names on them, Standard, Dole ,Sylphon and Bridgeport all to me look like they were made by Bridgeport.

51f1    -- 11-21-2009 @ 5:47 PM
  Thermostats usually open from 2-3 degrees below to 2-3 degrees above the rated temperature and are fully open about 15 to 20 degrees above the rated temperature. The exact temperatures depend on the model of the thermostat.


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