Topic: Overheating?

Paul    -- 07-03-2011 @ 1:55 AM
  My 336.7 cid engine seems to like to run at around 200 degrees F. Is this normal? Seems awfully hot to me. I'm told if I burn 94 octane that the temperature will come down a bit. True? Is it desirable to run the engine at a cooler temperature?

supereal    -- 07-03-2011 @ 10:52 AM
  You didn't mention whether the engine temperature was affected by the ambient temp, or always at or near 200 degrees. Do you have thermostats in the engine and, if so, what temperature they are rated? 180 degrees is one standard level. Did you measure the coolant temperature with a thermometer in the neck of the radiator to confirm the gauge? If your cooling system isn't boiling over, it is likely just doing its job. Octane rating of fuel has little or no effect on operating temperature. Timing and/or a too lean carb setting is more likely to result in problems, along with lots of other factors such as poor radiator flow or dragging brakes. If it is running well, I wouldn't worry.

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