Topic: Eastern National Judging

janine    -- 06-24-2011 @ 6:18 AM
  What is and how do you get 1)Dearborn Award
2) Concourse 3)Rouge and 4) Touring and Touring A

Don Rogers    -- 06-24-2011 @ 7:20 AM
  Go to Home page on this web site and look at subjects in left hand column. Select forms under National Club Information. These judging forms contain quite a bit of information.

42wagon    -- 06-24-2011 @ 7:39 AM
In general the items you are asking about are judging classifications. Concourse -the first time judging and awarded if the the vehicle receives 950 points. Dearborn - an award for a restored vehicle receiving 925 points. Rouge - an award for an original, not restored vehicle, judging can be in any of three areas interior, exterior, running gear. Touring and Touring A are for vehicles that would not qualify for either Dearborn, Concourse, or Rouge awards.

The point system used in judging is based on a perfect car receiving 1000 points. Points are subtracted for items that do not meet the judging standards. The judging forms are found on the home page of this web site.

In order to receive any of these awards your vehicle must be judged at a national meet such as the Eastern National Meet to be held in Saratoga NY July 11-14.

Hope this helps

ford38v8    -- 06-24-2011 @ 5:20 PM
  Janine, As Don said, the Judging Forms are available on this website. These forms will give you a good idea of what it takes to win a Concourse Award. A first time shown car seldom gets a Dearborn, but often will win a lesser award: 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. The lessons learned from the first time out are very useful in preparing the car for the next year's Concourse.

If your car is very original, never having been restored (some minor repairs allowed), a Rouge Award can be yours. This is a very prestigious award, not available to most cars today, as a car can be original only once. These cars need not be pristine, as example, the upholstery can be in very poor condition, as long as it is actually there. As said above, any one of three separate areas can qualify your car for this award.

Touring Class is open to those who don't wish to be point judged. These cars may very well qualify for a Rouge or a Dearborn, and many have in the past. They are voted on by all participants on the basis of which one they'd prefer to own and drive. The Touring "A" Class is allowed a certain variety of modifications, but still must be powered by a Ford Flathead, or other Ford Motor product from the era.

Then there is the Display Class, open to all Ford Motor products of the '32-'53 Era, regardless of engine or other modifications. This class is also voted on by participants.


trjford8    -- 06-24-2011 @ 7:30 PM
  In addition to all the other good information, your car is judged on it's own merit. You are only competing against yourself and not the other cars.

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