Topic: Crankshaft Pulley - '48 Ford

swmddo    -- 06-14-2011 @ 11:22 AM
  I've rebuilt my 59AB engine, and am ready to put the crankshaft pulley back onto the crankshaft snout. The soft seal (waxy white stuff)fits very snugly around the snout. The pulley I have has 2 grooves, 3 inches apart. The flange that fits onto the snout extends about 2 inches. The seal around the snout is preventing the pulley from fully seating against the block. Therefore, the inside pulley does not line up with the pulleys on the water pumps. Do I have the right pulley, or do I just have to figure a way to "force" the flange into and around the snout, pushing the seal out of the way?


supereal    -- 06-14-2011 @ 11:41 AM
  I assume the the "soft seal" you refer to is the rope seal in the timing gear cover and the pan. Those should be soaked in oil for at least a day before installation, making them more pliant and easier to insert the shank of the crank pulley. If the seal is dry, the shank of the pulley should be lubricated with grease and worked into the seal until you can use the "ratchet nut" that holds the pulley to the crankshaft to move it the rest of the way.

swmddo    -- 06-14-2011 @ 12:35 PM
  Thanks...that is kind of what I suspected. I did soak the seal in oil and it is not dried out now, so maybe I just need to coax it a bit more. The Green Bible drawing did not show the back of the pulley, so I didn't know how long the flange was supposed to be. As long as I have the correct pulley (sounds like I do), I can work it in somehow. Thanks again!


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