Topic: 40 trans.

avrotom    -- 04-15-2011 @ 4:34 PM
  What is the correct color of the transmission case and the mount housing on a 40 Ford Car. The 40 Ford book says engine green. The one I am working on is bare cast, no sign of any paint. and it is original.

supereal    -- 04-15-2011 @ 4:39 PM
  Same as the engine. They were painted at the factory as a unit.

deuce_roadster    -- 04-15-2011 @ 4:42 PM
  There is some misinformation in that 40 book but the paint color of the engine and transmission is correct.

avrotom    -- 04-15-2011 @ 5:02 PM
  This is a Canadian car, did that make any difference? There is no rust on this case, just grease and mud of course. After cleaning, just bare clean cast iron. No evidence of paint and the number matches.

kubes40    -- 04-15-2011 @ 5:22 PM
  The transmission case was painted green prior to it being bolted to the engine. Thus, the bolts & washers are not painted.
The side cover was also painted green. the shifting levers are black. The ends of the shifting forks are bare metal.

deuce_roadster    -- 04-15-2011 @ 5:23 PM
  Look at the top of the transmission above the square opening for the VIN number, that should match the frame. If no number or different from frame then the trans case has been replaced but not painted. If the number does match the frame, someone rebuilt the trans and hot tanked the case, removing the original paint.

avrotom    -- 04-15-2011 @ 8:19 PM
  Thank you all for your help but it seems that this must be a strange one. The serial no matches the frame.I have had the car since '65 and know the original owner and in fact worked on the car in '64 as a young mechanic. Maybe this one missed the paint process. It will be green with black shift levers when I am done. Honestly there is not a sign of paint on the case, cover or rear mount bracket and I know there was no facility for hot tanking in the early years up here. In the 40 Ford book, its not clear if the mount bracket is green or black. Again thanks for your help.

kubes40    -- 04-16-2011 @ 5:20 AM
  The motor bracket (rear transmission mount) is green.

deuce_roadster    -- 04-16-2011 @ 9:15 AM
  Wow, if the original owner never had the trans rebuilt then you do have one of the oddball things that shows up every now and then. Anything else strange about the car? Is that trans case the later type with the normal vent or the one with the raised worm looking vent on the right side? I have 3 40s and the early and mid year cars have the "worm hole" type vent and the very late car I have has the vent like the 41-48 case. All of these are original frame matching transmissions.
Does the torque tube have paint on it? Maybe they put something on the roads up there that eventually took the paint off. Interesting, thanks for sharing the info.

supereal    -- 04-16-2011 @ 11:20 AM
  Anomalies that are noted can often be the result of the need to repair cars that came off the assembly line with defects. On my first visit to the Rouge plant many years ago, I saw the area where this was done, which looked like a huge repair shop. Cars with problems were shunted there to have defective parts discovered during final inspection replaced. It didn't make sense to stop the line to do it. If the transmission was swapped, it is likely time wasn't spent giving it a coat of paint. Years later, when that plant was producing Mustangs and Cougars, they were still using the same process.

avrotom    -- 04-16-2011 @ 3:10 PM
  The vent is a cast in (worm hole if you will) on top of case on the right of the square hole. In looking at your sight as it petains to VIN or serial numbers this again is different, serial on the frame is 1A781 with a star on each end of the number. Its in an area that still has black paint so its quite easy to see and there is no other numbers near it. The trans is the same except there is no star at the beginning, and its nice clean cast iron(grey). I have not started on the differential and torque tube yet but cannot see any paint there. But wait till it is clean and then if there is we should find it in sharp ledges or obscure places. As a note, this car was built in Canada, even transmission bearings are stamped"Made in Canada"just thought you guys might find this interesting. I look forward to reading this forum, there is so much good knowledge out there. Thanks, Tom

ford38v8    -- 04-16-2011 @ 5:52 PM
  Tom, The numerous differences between an American Ford and a Canadian ford are interesting, and for the most part are actually mandated by Canadian law rather than decisions within Ford of Canada. Canadian import/export law has always been highly protectionist. Canada will not allow an import of parts going into the manufacture of a car that are available as manufactured in Canada, unless the assembler paid an exorbitant import tax. Even to the extent of using shock links that resemble a Ford Model A shock link, Ford of Canada must shop local vendors before buying foreign made. I don't know how this policy was affected by NAFTA, but don't we all wish that we had that policy in the USA?


avrotom    -- 04-16-2011 @ 8:16 PM
  Alan your good, you just answered a question that I hadn't asked yet re the shock links. The ones on this car do look like the A links, a tube with two studs sticking out. Now I know why I could not find any. Thanks. Tom

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