v8teditor    -- 04-14-2011 @ 7:48 AM
  Around April 1st (Shudda been first clue) the internet came alive with the story of a proposed National Collector Car Tax. Kinda made sense since the US is way in debt. The "Story" took on a life of its own. Turns out it was an April Fool's joke started by the Shelby Club never imagining it would take off like it did. For details, visit the SEMA website:

1934 Ford    -- 04-14-2011 @ 6:41 PM
  I happened to be on line when that HOAX started. I too was concerned and immediately went to the usual Internet Rumor checking web sites. There was nothing
there yet. The anti-government and anti political party (insert name here) groups jumped to all kinds of conclusions and the hate flew at Internet speed.
Fortunately SEMA checked it out and sent emails to all subscribers that it was a HOAX. They even posted a letter of apology from the Editor and author of the ill conceived article.
Still many readers chose to believe the HOAX and vowed
retribution on the Senator to whom the tax HOAX was attributed.
Lesson: If you read something that seem outrageous,
don't join a lynch mob until after the trial and appeals are done, because like the CB Radio, not everything you hear is for real.

nelsb01    -- 04-14-2011 @ 7:21 PM
  Just dont continue it by printing it.

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