Topic: Hemmings Digital

Stroker    -- 03-29-2011 @ 3:28 PM
  My prayers have been answered! I started reading Hemmings in the 60's, when it was about as thick as a news magazine, and looked like it was printed on a mimeograph machine. I subscribed, and it kept getting thicker and thicker. Getting it first class meant that I had a slight chance of "scoring" a rare-sought-out piece I needed in the classified, but if you got it third class, about it's only value was as a source of sources through its advertising. I painfully remember missing out on a set of vintage early Ford Kinmont disc brakes by a matter of hours.

As the 'puter age matured, I often wondered why they couldn't simply put the rag on-line, as "time is of the essence" when it comes to putting buyer and seller on the same page. I guess it was too difficult.

Now that we have Ebay, Craigslist Hemmings has finally gotten their "stuff together", and I will say that I am a happy camper. I just subscribed to their digital edition, and I can now spend
some of my time normally spent correcting 37 Ragtopman, Supereal, and 38FordV8 (just kidding guys),
perusing my new digital edition.

Some of you will not miss the musings of Stroker, but be confident in the knowledge that I am immersed in my new toy.

TomO    -- 03-30-2011 @ 9:40 AM
  Stroker, have fun using up your download bits. Soon they are going to charge extra for reading books online.


Stroker    -- 03-30-2011 @ 11:00 AM

Yeah, I really hate to inconvience all those electrons, but it still seems better than wasting
a those trees that would make good station wagons. Besides, my snail mail means I miss all the good stuff.

37 Coupe    -- 03-30-2011 @ 11:24 AM
  My Dad starting getting Hemmings for a Model A restoration in the early sixties and I took the subscription over in the seventies untill now. Throughout the years I would pay for the first class on years I was involved in a project and justified the extra charge usually by scoring on a part needed.One year I was lucky to get a NOS 39 Ford rear fender. One year I was the first to call and thought I scored a NOS Genuine Ford 1946 Ford radio in North Carolina,untill my money order was returned a week later,upon calling the seller I was told that Dennis Carpenter had called after me and he just could say no to Dennis,bet he wasn't working on a 46 Ford like myself. Last few years I have just been resubscribing out of habit,every issue is same,very few adds are hobbyist just the same business guys,Glenn Marion is gone always had pretty good stuff,never ever could afford anything from the guy at Fifth and Vine.Same with Old Cars Weekly haven't seen a good part in years,good reading though.I know some do not like Ebay but sure is the place to find parts now,especially since not all sellers are even car guys. Got my 1937 Unity foglights from a guy who found them in basement of a house he bought,listed them as Model T lamps but he showed good pictures.

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