Topic: Problems with MACs

ole_Bill    -- 12-30-2010 @ 9:53 AM
  During the MACs sale which ended Dec 27th, I tried to order a lube chart and two stromberg carbs. I was quoted a shipping cost of over $100, which seemed excessive to me and I expressed that to MACs customer service. Now Macs agrees the shipping estimate was in error, but since the sale ended without me completing the order, they will no longer honor the price on items I tried to purchase. I am of the opinion that the concept of "customer service" completely eludes this company and I refuse to do business with them in the future. Be forewarned.

CharlieStephens    -- 12-30-2010 @ 10:01 AM
  I agree if the facts are as presented. Have you tried going up the organization chart? You may be dealing with a clerk that is just following orders. You want to talk to someone higher that has the long term interest of the business in mind. Be sure to mention you are posting your story on old Ford computer web sites and hope for a successful resolution so you can post that also.

Charlie Stephens

MDB    -- 12-30-2010 @ 2:17 PM
  I concur with both statements, especially speaking with a principal. I have found Rick McIntosh most cooperative in vaguely similar circumstances.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 12-31-2010 @ 2:14 PM
are at many book stores, that sell magazines, or go on line, to subscribe.
you will find many people and venders selling original parts,
SNYDERS for MODEL A,also have some V8 parts that carry over to later cars,
SKIPS for WATER PUMPS and dist and coils
these are a few of the ones I use,
I would rather pay more for a original USA made part that will last longer and FIT RIGHT,
this is only,,,, just a suggestion,

ole_Bill    -- 12-31-2010 @ 3:42 PM
  I maintain a list of 33 vendors that I buy from. Until this incident, it was 34.

Gary M.    -- 12-31-2010 @ 3:56 PM
  Macs is a non personal company who are in it strictly for the all mighty dollar ! They scr*w*d me for a pressure plate core charge on a brand new pressure plate. If its brand new , why they need a core ? As far as talking to a higher up , I tried that only to be told that my opinion would not go any further than the clerk I was talking to . I feel that if a letter were written to Macs from the Early Ford club that they might take it more serious . Macs has a nice selection of parts , most of which are good quality, but their policys need alot of work.

trjford8    -- 12-31-2010 @ 6:21 PM
  The V-8 Club has a policy of not getting involved with disputes or problems that occur between vendors and individuals. These issues can become very complicated and it is the word of the vendor versus the customer. Most all issues come down to lack of communication or confusing communication between the two parties. The V-8 Club cannot be in the business of "dispute resolution".
It is up to the two parties to resolve the issue themselves. If the customer is not satisfied with the results they have the option to take the issue to civil court, not returning as a customer, calling the Better Business Bureau,or telling their car buddies of the bad experience. I think most of us have had a bad experience at one time or another with a supplier. The best option is to move on to another vendor and not return to the one who failed to correct the problem.If the vendor fails "the customer relations course" with enough customers they will soon be out of business. This hobby is small enough that word travels fast,especially with the internet.

This message was edited by trjford8 on 12-31-10 @ 6:24 PM

supereal    -- 01-01-2011 @ 11:17 AM
  Amen, Tom. While recommendations of reliable sources are
usually safe, accusations of poor dealing could result in legal action. The policy at our shop is to avoid further use of a source that has caused problems. Good vendors know their stock, and can back it up with answers regarding quality and installation tips. Some reputable outlets have changed hands over the years as the hobby and the market has changed and, as Tom so rightly points out, this often results in the weeding out of the unreliable. We have seen this a number of times during our years. Others, such as C&G, are cross-generational, and have retained their integrity.

Gary M.    -- 01-01-2011 @ 4:09 PM
  The only reason I mentioned a letter from the v8 club is that Macs advertises in the v8 Times. We would hope that the companies that grace the pages of the v8 Times are companies that all the members are happy with . I guess the best thing to do is just find a dealer that you are happy with and stick with them .

35gal    -- 01-01-2011 @ 4:17 PM
  I think someone owns stock in C&G. Anytime someone mentions buying parts, C&G is always recommend. As for myself, I use Mac’s most of the time and have had good service. Their prices are fair and shipping fast. C&G’s prices are way higher than anyone else and it is the same parts. They will, every now and then, have a special where if you spend $100, you get a free tote bag, WOW.

Gary M.    -- 01-01-2011 @ 4:54 PM
  I find that the parts companies on the west coast are higher priced , however they often have hard to find part ,sometimes new, sometimes used. If it is a part that you really need, you dont mind paying extra.

trjford8    -- 01-01-2011 @ 5:09 PM
  35gal, no one owns stock in C and G that posts on here. The company is owned solely by one person.It's been a family run organization for years. I think the reason C and G is mentioned frequently is the help you get from them. They have long time employees who are car people and can answer tech questions when you have them.
I live in California, so I buy from 3-4 different sources. I'm close enough to one source that I can drive there and get my parts. I know enough to ask for certain people who work the counter as they can give a good answer and know the quality of a part. Others that work there are strictly counter people who know just enough to find the part and bring it to the counter. To them it's just a job.
C and G is a long way away from me so I have to order by phone. When I have a question about a part or an installation issue I get a straight answer. That knowledge is defintiely worth the extra money. I also know that they sell the best quality parts that are available. As I said before if you are happy with your current supplier stick with them. If you are not happy with the supplier or think someone charges too much then you should not shop there. It's no different than grocery shopping.

37 Coupe    -- 01-02-2011 @ 7:02 AM
  Not too many people ever mention this guy to deal with Dick Spadaro in New York. He vends Bob Drake and Carpenter stuff,he can lead you to what is the best quality of the two or other suppliers,he has a certain amount of good used and NOS stuff and he is a V8 Club member and not to big to be nonaccessible,if you want you can actually talk to him,he may even answer the phone himself.

This message was edited by 37 Coupe on 1-2-11 @ 7:03 AM

trjford8    -- 01-02-2011 @ 8:18 AM
  37 coupe, you are right about Dick Spadaro. He is a club member and a good supporter of the V-8 hobby. I tend to forget some of our east coast vendors due to the fact I live on the "lefty" coast.

supereal    -- 01-02-2011 @ 10:33 AM
  No, I have no connection with C&G. I frequently mention them because we have found that they sell top quality parts, know what they sell, and will be honest about whether the part is in stock and can be shipped. Years of trial and error taught us that once a vendor gives you a problem, it is a signal to go elsewhere. C&G is on the far west coast, and we are in the middle of the country, so geography isn't a reason for us to patronize them. I don't know any of the Bangiola family or their staff personally, or need to. We are in the business of fixing vehicles, and an undependable source of parts, either in quality or delivery, costs us money. The way to be sure that your supplier is as good as ours is to mention them here on the Forum, if you want them to be available in the years to come.

This message was edited by supereal on 1-2-11 @ 10:35 AM

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