Topic: 34 fuel line

Gene N.    -- 12-02-2010 @ 5:30 PM
  34 ford roadster fuel line does it run from gas tank to frame rail then between crossmember and frame rail or over crossmember (for rear spring) between crossmember and floor pan then to frame rail forward along frame rail up to firewall

Gene N.    -- 01-10-2011 @ 6:38 PM
  Nobody out there that owns a orginal 34 that can answer this question or did own one

George    -- 01-10-2011 @ 8:15 PM
  I bought a 1934 Ford pickup truck in 1978, from the farmer who sold it to me. He drove it into Lakota, North Dakota during the early fifties to a Vet's Ag Program conducted at the Lakota High School. A few years after that it was retired to their junk line of worn out farm machinery. It sat there for years. Then, I came along, as a vocational agriculture teacher in Lakota, and bought the '34 ford to restore. As I recall, the fuel line ran from the top of the fuel tank across to the driver's side and then along inside the frame rail to the front of the vehicle, then up to the fuel pump on top of the engine. I removed that engine since it had severe damage to it from numerous freeze/thaw cycles over the years, and replaced it with a running engine from a 1934 Ford Sedan, from East Grand Forks, Minnesota.
So, it is my belief that the fuel line ran inside the frame rail, from the rear of the vehicle, up to the engine compartment, behind the engine and to the fuel pump on top of the engine. There are holes through the X-frames where they meet the side rail of the frame, the fuel line passes through those holes, and on to the engine compartment, between the rear of the engine and the firewall.
My '34 Ford p/u still is so equipped (with a new fuel line), in regard to the fuel line.
I hope this helps you with your project. As original as possible, right???
George Maher
702 27th Street North
Fargo, North Dakota, 58102


George    -- 01-10-2011 @ 8:41 PM
  Hey! I forgot to include that the fuel line, running along inside the frame channel, is attached to the frame rail with several brackets, held in place with one screw for each bracket. The bracket is about half an inch wide, with a half circle which presses the fuel line to the frame, holding it stationary to the frame. I don't remember if the brackets were held in place with bolts and nuts, or if with screws that self threaded through the frame rail.
There, that's all I know about the fuel line and its attachments;, fuel tank to engine. Sure hope this helps!
George Maher
702 27th Street North
Fargo, North Dakota 58102


George    -- 01-11-2011 @ 3:43 PM
  Hey! I looked under my '34 Ford Pickup and discovered I posted an error in yesterday's posting. The fuel line is attched by spring clips on the upper surface of the bottom web of the frame. There are at least four spring clips that slip on this web at the bottom of the frame and they have a curved portion that holds the fuel line in place. With this location the fuel line is firmly held in place and protected from gravel that the wheels might kick up on the road.
Sorry for the mis-information, but now I've got it right!
George Maher
Fargo, North Dakota


Gene N.    -- 01-18-2011 @ 3:50 PM
  Thanks George info is what I was looking for
Sounds like you owned yours for awhile
Have mine since 1957

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