Topic: '36 right side hood fit? (Pics.)

Flatbob    -- 10-27-2009 @ 9:50 AM
  Have installed hood on my '36 and right side lower panel seems to be too far forward in the unlocked position as shown in picture. I can close & lock it but makes upper right side hood panel buckle slightly at top of cowl. All pertinent measurements are the same on both sides and left side fits very well. Have seen many '36's at various shows and none of the hoods appear to fit perfectly and assume they probably never did when they came from the factory. Anybody have any ideas?

G Tosel    -- 10-27-2009 @ 5:19 PM
  Check the fit of the hood panel along the top hinge and the bracket on top of the firewall. It would appear that the panel is not close enough to the cowl. Do you have a picture of that area? You are also correct that the hood fit on most 36 Fords is a compromise of position and fit.

Gary Tosel

trjford8    -- 10-27-2009 @ 8:34 PM
  Then 36 is probably one of the toughest cars to line up the sheet metal.Check to make sure that your radiator is mounted in the correct holes in the frame. The hood fit is controlled by the radiator and the radiator rods. Line up the hood with the cowl and get it to fit first. Next fit the grille with the radiator and hood and lastly the fenders to the grille and cowl. Be patient as it may take a few days. Leave everything a little loose as you add parts. This allows for adjustments.You may have to oversize some of the holes in the fenders and grille to shift things around.

Flatbob    -- 10-28-2009 @ 11:40 AM
  Trj & Gary thanks for responding to my question. With the hood folded up sitting on top of the cowl the lower right hood panel sits 1/4" more forward than the left lower hood panel. I have the right side hood panels slid as far to the rear as they will go, just as the left side. I took my measurement from the windshield frame forward to the leading edge of the lower panel on both sides and found a difference of a 1/4". I would think that no matter how the surrounding sheet metal fit with the hood in the open position I should get the same measurements. All the sheet metal does fit very well by the way. The radiator is in the correct mounting holes and sits square to the firewall as does the grill. When the body was off the frame I measured the frame for straightness and it was right on the money. I think I've gotten into an area beyond my abilities..........very frustrating.

trjford8    -- 10-28-2009 @ 7:17 PM
  Bob, double check the right side upper panel. It slides into the center strip and there's possibly something in the center strip that is keeping it from sliding back onto the cowl. The photo that you posted shows the upper half sitting forward on the cowl. A slight bend in the lip of the center strip could keep the hood from going back on the cowl.

Flatbob    -- 10-28-2009 @ 7:53 PM
  Trj, the upper right hood panel is all the way back just as the upper left side. This is what's so frustrating; this is the second upper hood panel, I replaced the original as I thought that was where the problem was but am experiencing the same problem with the replacement. As I stated earlier, the lower right hood panel is 1/4"further forward than the left right from the start. The lower right panel has the same dimensions as the left, as you can see in the one photo the rear edge of the upper and lower left hood panels line up to each other fine but they sit 1/4" further forward than the left side.

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