Topic: old coil testing?

parrish    -- 09-15-2010 @ 8:57 AM
  I have a 42-48 coil that I bought in '71 (when dinosaurs roamed) and never used. What is the likelihood that it is good? External appearance is clean. Can I use an ohm meter to test it?

deluxe40    -- 09-15-2010 @ 9:39 AM
  A thorough test of a coil requires a fairly sophisticated diagnostic unit, one that not only applies voltage and generates heat but also makes and breaks the primary circuit to simulate the action of the points. Even passing such a test doesn't guarantee that an old coil won't soon break down leaving you by the road. If I were you, I would have the coil rebuilt by Skip Haney ( ).

This message was edited by deluxe40 on 9-15-10 @ 9:43 AM

supereal    -- 09-15-2010 @ 9:51 AM
  Coil testing, without running a "breakdown" examination, seldom tells much. You can check the resistance of the windings, .47 to .51 ohms for the primary, and 5800 ohms for the secondary, but because the windings are connected at the top, it isn't possible to separate them to determine if any shorts exist between the windings. The insulation in old coils, sort of like waxed paper, breaks down over time, allowing those shorts. When the coil is heated through use, resistance goes up, choking off current. That is why coils usually fail after the vehicle has been driven far enough to get hot, both from electrical and under hood sources. It is safe to say that all old original Ford coils have, or will fail. Replacement or rebuilding is the only remedy. We have a box full of old coils, and none of them are reliable.

TomO    -- 09-15-2010 @ 10:10 AM
  I have a coil tester that will allow you to heat the coil and check it when it is hot. I have found that even when a coil tests good, it can break down after just a few days of running. I recommend that you have the coil rebuilt by a reliable re-builder like Skip.


40guy    -- 09-15-2010 @ 2:51 PM
  I agree. Rebuilding is the only way to go. After all, this unit is almost 70 years old. I had the same type coil rebuilt 14 years ago; still rolling. I did not know about Skip Haney back then. I sent mine to Bob Anzalone? A&S Products. Has anyone here ever heard of him?

39 Ken    -- 09-15-2010 @ 6:51 PM
  Yep. I had A&S rebuild two coils for me with "modern" components. Both went bad within one Summer. They couldn't be repaired as he epoxied the "New" works into the sh*ll. I had two others done by Skip. They have been in for five years or more with extensive use. Still running well. I believe A&S went out of business a number of years ago. Ken

40guy    -- 09-16-2010 @ 7:21 AM
  Thanks 39Ken; No doubt I got one of his good ones.

39 Ken    -- 09-16-2010 @ 9:54 AM
  Ahhh, So you're the one... Just kidding.

supereal    -- 09-16-2010 @ 10:36 AM
  I'm still running an A&S coil I had rebuilt 15 years ago. They retired from the business since then. I've heard that their coils were NFG, but mine is fine.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 09-16-2010 @ 5:06 PM
  I had one rebuilt from A and S,
installed it, then made about 20 miles before it started to run bad,I jumped the resister to make it to a cruise night in ELLSWORTH ME,
went to leave , was not running good, made it about 9 miles this time.
put a ice pack on it,and waited for it to cool off and made it home.
called BOB up told him I had problems,
he said to sent it back,about 1 1/2 week later,
when I received it back from him it was cracked,
I called him and said it was cracked, he said he was not responsible for the mail breaking it,
I said to him you sent hunderds of these though the mail you could not pack it any better ???
then I sent it back again,
a few weeks later, it arrived this time not cracked, but now the base and top were different colors,
did not match, from two different coils,
I sold this coil and later sent a FORD SCRIPT coil to SKIP to have rebuilt and will install this when I get a chance.
right now I am running a 6 AUTOZONE COIL that cost $15.00 and it has been on my 37 for about 6 years,and runs perfect, and really do not want to change it yet,
hope this helps,37RAGTOPMAN.
I wonder why A an S does not advertise in the V8 TIMES any more ???

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