Topic: logging in

Bill4d1merc    -- 10-21-2009 @ 8:30 PM
  I like the new format but can a log in button be added?
I am using Fire Fox and it saves my user name and password but I have to click on my password and hit enter to log in. It would be easier if I could just click on a log in button. all that is available to click on now is, Create a New Account or Retrieve Password.

donclink    -- 10-22-2009 @ 3:54 AM
  Bill, the blue-pointing-triangle to the right of the 'Password' box is used to submit the login. It doesn't have a 'hover' property, or the 'the finger' when you slide the mouse over it, but that's what you need. I use both Firefox and Internet Explorer, and it shows up on both....

Bill4d1merc    -- 10-22-2009 @ 4:30 PM
I did not try clicking there.
Maybe it should be labeled?

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