Topic: 1937 Ford locking hood handle.

37 Coupe    -- 08-18-2010 @ 7:04 AM
  Last issue of the V8 Times my "parts wanted" ad for aNOS #78-18385 hood locking ornament was in classified section. I bought what was supposed to be a NOS,even has original box with it,so stated a long time V8 Club member from Dallas regional group. He could not do pictures or computers so I bought on his word, and was told it could be installed right from the box and plating is perfect. Upon receiving first thing I am dissapointed in is condition of plating and no workable locking mechanism,has a stuck key in a cylinder,cylinder does not have stem on end to activate the lock,in other words it does not work even as a non locking handle. Does anyone have a poor one they can not use that can be taken apart? This stem is not like square that activates a door lock,it is kinda sophisticated,mayby 5/16" diameter with a couple milled slots in it that orients to couple ball bearings in handle. I am not sure the cylinder this is correct one but may be it is all stainless and brass,Hurd about 3/4" diameter about 1 and 1/8"long. Man that sold me this claims he has had for years and he may have never realized that it was a picked apart piece probably to fix up a better looking one and placed back in box. What I don't understand is he will not make this right,says I need to contact Stacy Brown for parts.

This message was edited by 37 Coupe on 8-18-10 @ 9:05 AM

trjford8    -- 08-18-2010 @ 8:12 AM
  I think you have two choices. #1) if the seller said it was NOS and it is not NOS then you need to try to work out a way with the seller to return the item and get your money back.Notice that I said "try to work it out" as I do not know what conversation you had with the seller when you purchased the item.I'm only hearing one side of the story.
2) if that does not work then you need to take the handle to a good lock smith and see if it can be repaired. Try Jesser's Classic Keys;

This message was edited by trjford8 on 8-18-10 @ 8:14 AM

37 Coupe    -- 08-18-2010 @ 8:29 AM
  Just got email from Jesser's and he does not anything that will work. Conversations with seller are fruitless as he states he is in bad health and I am not helping,he also says he does not know how to resolve this and will not respond when I tell him I only want to go back to two weeks ago ,you get handle back,I eat shipping and I get my money back. At this point I am afraid to send back if I ever got his okay. At least I still have something but in good faith I could not sell this to anyone even at a loss.

supereal    -- 08-18-2010 @ 9:40 AM
  Maybe I am just jaded, but that sounds like a scam to me. The "NOS" sellers have come out of the woodwork, it seems. They want us to take them on faith, but will not reciprocate by sending the item for approval, even with a third party handling the payment.

silverchief    -- 08-18-2010 @ 10:13 AM
I'm with you Supereal - I smell the odor of fish.

37 Coupe    -- 08-18-2010 @ 10:39 AM
  I don't think it was a scam from the git go, I think in his mind this was something he bought at a flea market years ago as NOS because of the original box.I would say of the three chrome pot metal pieces two of them are used and need replating,the handle itself could be NOS but again useless functionally as guts are missing,it would also need plating from shelf wear bumps and nicks. I also realize from having these in the past,this was a $2.50 item in 1937 and probably not plated to last even in good storage. to me a scammer is like the guy who responded to my classified want ad on this forum before my V8 Times ad,he had a whole case of them,how many did I want to order? Guess where he was from ? Thought I was safe with a Texan who tells me over and over again how many years he has been a V8 Club member of standing. I have been a member myself for almost 40 years but don't have his credentials or collection. Sure different than another Texan I know as we all do Stacy Brown,when I restored my 46 coupe back in 1971-72 he would send me parts on "approval".

ford38v8    -- 08-18-2010 @ 11:34 AM
  37 Coupe, I'll tell you how I handled a similar situation some years back:

I had responded to an ad in Hemmings, to a man in Long island New York, who told me of all the spare parts he had available in his collection. Hw was a long time V8 member, and we got along well on the phone until he got my money, at which point he never had time to talk to me nor to find my part to send me.

I looked him up in the V8 Roster, and yes, he was a member. I then found three other members in his vicinity who all knew him. I told them my story, and by golly, a couple days later I got a call from the seller who had miraculously found my part and it was in the mail.


37 Coupe    -- 08-18-2010 @ 12:48 PM
  More years ago than I like to remember was probably my only other situation as this,it was with a business called "NOS Gold",guys name was McCormick I think. He had me for $100 and just happened to be at the Valley Forge V8 Club meet swap area selling.He got belligerant when I confronted him and told me I was upsetting his teenage son. The guy running swap meet I think was Bob Guetschow from Michigan,anyway he knew the situation and how this guy was operating,his buying techniques from widows was worse than his "selling" tactics. Guetschow knew he was selling and making money and had the $100 easily to pay me,the swap meet guys told him to pay up or leave and he paid up. This was no skin off the V8 Club as it had nothing to do at there meet but this is the way it was back then guys trying to do right by a fellow member. At banquet I went up to get an award and it was mentioned by MC I was a rare case to have gotten money back from the notorious, at the time, NOS Gold. think the guy eventually did time.

trjford8    -- 08-18-2010 @ 7:37 PM
  37 coupe, it sounds like you tried to handle this in a reasonable way. Obviously the seller is not wanting to go along with your solution. I would check with other V-8ers in the sellers area and ask about his reputation. I would also want to know if he is in poor health.Like the others, it sounds like he is giving you a B.S. story. Maybe another V-8er in the area would be willing to help you.

37 Coupe    -- 08-25-2010 @ 8:01 AM
  I guess I am stuck with the "NOS" hood ornament with no response from seller. I am placing a wanted ad again for a 1937 hood locking ornament for parts one I got ripped off on is missing part under and attached to locking cylinder itself. I did my best to get resolve without mentioning or dragging seller name in the mud but feel I should warn others especially since he told me he would be selling off some things. His name is James Harrell from Dallas reg group #6. He is still not what I would call a scammer but I believe his idea of what is NOS and a good part is not what I believe. He says he has health issues and I believe that,and think that is why he may be selling stuff, just be carefull and buy only what you see first,do not go on his word like I did.

Lincoln    -- 08-25-2010 @ 3:16 PM
  I disassembled my NOS 78-18385 Locking Hood Handle and looked at the internals as a comparison to what you described. The lock cylinder and stem you describe seem identical to mine. The inner cylinder of the lock is notched out to engage the upper end of the stem. The stem's upper end measures 3/16 " diameter and contains a small pressed-in pin to engage the lock cylinder. The stem is what also engages the two ball bearings in the lower part of the handle. At first glance the lock cylinder looks similar to other FORD lock cylinders, but do not think they are the same. My lock cylinder is marked "FM",which is not the typical early-FORD series of lock numbers. Does your key match the cylinder?
Sorry my handle is not for sale, but it would also need rechroming for the purist. Plus the base itself is broken. I have seen one or two other NOS handles over the years and they also suffered with bad? chrome. They had very small pits, were scratched, scuffed, etc. If you need any more info 37 COUPE, you can Email me at

37 Coupe    -- 08-26-2010 @ 5:19 AM
  Thanks Bob,I have sent you email.

HOTROD_WILLIE    -- 04-01-2014 @ 12:06 PM
  Has anybody else done business w/ James Harrell if so please let know. PM would be great. Thanks for the help.

This message was edited by HOTROD_WILLIE on 4-1-14 @ 12:08 PM

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