Topic: 2011 Eastern meet

oldford2    -- 08-17-2010 @ 11:48 AM
  Just sent in my registration for the July 2011 eastern meet in Saratoga, NY. Then I checked reservations at the host hotel for those dates and no rooms available! Unless... some may be available in the block the club has reserved. This week's rate at the Gideon Putnam hotel is $315/day! Maybe I will see if KenCT has an extra bunk in his RV. John

JM    -- 08-17-2010 @ 12:45 PM
  John, Here is an E-mail originally sent out by Michael Brown that should explain the situation....


The pre-registration response for the 2011 Eastern National Meet has been overwhelming. I have just been notified that the Gideon Putnam Resort has exceeded 100 reservations and have stopped accepting anymore reservations at the group rate for our meet. The host hotel promised us 100 rooms and I sent out reservation information to the first 100 club members who pre-registered. The Gideon Putnam Resort also said that if we quickly filled up 100 rooms, we would be granted access to an additional 20 rooms for a total of 120 rooms which is the entire hotel.

When 80 of the 100 rooms were booked I asked Judy Wentworth if we would get the additional 20 rooms per our agreement. The answer was yes. I then acted in good faith and sent reservation information to the next 16 people who pre-registered for the meet. Judy, also acting in good faith, started booking the remaining hotel rooms. However, mid way through the process of booking the remaining rooms, the Director of the Gideon Putnam Resort directed Judy to stop and hold all remaining rooms.

Brandon de Waal the Upstate New York RG president is currently discussing this situation with the Director and is asking him to live up to the agreement and give us the entire hotel (120 rooms). We are doing our best to reach an amicable solution.

If you have not yet secured a room reservation at the Gideon Putnam Resort please do not mail or fax your reservation form to them. Please let me know if you have not yet made a reservation or were turned down so that I can contact you when this situation is resolved (for better or for worse.) Again, only reply to this e-mail if you have not yet sent in your reservation form or if you were unable to secure a room at the Gideon Putnam Resort.

Thank you,

ps...You may not get to bunk with KenCt either. I believe he has canceled out because they will not let him park his MH in the flea market area and sleep overnight in it. He is not a happy camper, no pun intended. JM

This message was edited by JM on 8-17-10 @ 12:54 PM

trjford8    -- 08-18-2010 @ 8:34 AM
  If you have the additional 20 rooms listed in your contract the hotel must honor the agreement. If it's "verbal only" you may have a problem. Everything needs to be in writing as hotel staff changes frequently. A verbal agreement with one manager may not be hold up when the new mmanager takes over. Us old guys used to be able to take people at their word, but the world has changed. Just look at our politicians!

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 08-18-2010 @ 8:56 AM
  is there any other places to stay ?
would like to go and never thought you had to book 1 year in advance,

oldford2    -- 08-18-2010 @ 1:45 PM
  I checked Saratoga, NY motels and there are plenty within a 10 mile radius. All the big chains and smaller motels and hotels. I think I will wait till Spring to make my reservations. Nice to stay at the host hotel but for half the room rate I don't mind a short drive in the mornings.

Kens 36    -- 08-18-2010 @ 2:40 PM
  The overflow hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn, a couple of miles from the host hotel.


oldford2    -- 08-18-2010 @ 3:24 PM
  Kens 36,
Looked the Hilton garden up. Only 1 1/2 miles away and half the room rate. Thanks for the info.

42guy    -- 08-18-2010 @ 7:29 PM
  What's the date in July? The Saratoga horse race track opens in Late July.Rooms will be scarce at that time.

nelsb01    -- 08-18-2010 @ 8:51 PM
  July 11 - 14 2011

FrankM-RG5    -- 08-22-2010 @ 8:14 AM
  We met with the Gideon Putnam on Wednesday and there was a communication error from within. They honored the contract and the additional rooms were an oral promise. They have a list of names on a waiting list as there is still a possibility we may get these rooms.

We have about 50 rooms at the Hilton and you will be directed to a website when you register for the meet. The rooms there are $119 a night. This hotel is not far from the park. They have a great breakfast there in the morning.

Our response has been a little more than we anticipated but this is great that so many people have shown interest. Of all our organizers I am the most accessible so feel free to email me at with any questions. Put Eastern National Meet in the subject line so I will know it is not junk mail.

Also of importance remember to check your spam mail. Sometimes stuff goes there through no fault of anyone. One person missed out due to missing his registration info that got sent there. I have had personal responses to emails I sent end up in the spam folder so I just try to check it at least once a day.

Thanks again,
Frank Miller

Mike34    -- 08-22-2010 @ 10:36 AM
  As the registration officer for the 2011 Eastern National Meet I would like to reiterate Frank’s message regarding your spam folder. We all like to keep our spam settings tight to eliminate the “garbage.” More than a handful of registrants followed up with phone calls several weeks later claiming that they hadn’t yet received a response from me regarding their registration. After discussing this with them, sure enough, my e-mail confirmation of their registration was indeed in their spam/trash folder. After you register, please keep tabs on your spam/trash folders for confirmation of your registration. Thanks, Mike

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