Topic: Finding TDC

fenbach    -- 12-10-2023 @ 3:07 PM
  In a previous thread, I mentioned that on my '36, "the top of the no. 1 piston is in plain sight when I look thru the spark plug hole." I had occasion to look again recently and could NOT see the piston!
I do have a "new" engine and noticed that the recess for the sparkplugs is deeper on the heads of this engine than on the one before, deeper enough to block sight of the piston. But, curiously, the [right side] heads from both engines have the same part number, 68-6049B. The first engine had domed pistons. This one maybe has flat tops??
I ended up using a bent wire to find TDC [more or less]. Anyone know of a better method? Or why 2 heads with the same part number are different? The one with the deeper recesses does have Ford script. The other one doesn't. A Chinese knock-off maybe?

previous thread

This message was edited by fenbach on 12-10-23 @ 4:42 PM

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