Topic: 37 Phaeton speedo cable/emergency brake routing

BRL    -- 11-18-2023 @ 9:43 AM
  Hi Guys:
My car, 37 Phaeton (model 78-750) was missing the little metal floor plate cover that attaches to the wood floor board just above where the steering column tube comes out of the floor board. I bought 2 plate covers that are slightly different designs...see attached photo. Can anyone tell me which is the correct one for my car? One has a opening in the center of the plate and one has the opening to the right side of the plate. The one with the opening to the right side of the plate seems to align with a notch in my new wood floor board...see photo. If this is correct, does anyone know what model car the cover plate with the opening in the center is for?

Also, can anyone verify that the opening in the little plate is for the emergency brake cable?

I have a hole just above the top left corner of the wood floor board in the dash (firewall) this for the speedo cable? [right now my emergency brake cable is going through this hole].

marko39    -- 11-20-2023 @ 5:13 AM
  the top one looks like the one on my 39

zeke3    -- 11-22-2023 @ 5:34 PM
  I believe the bracket at the top is correct for the 1937 car. The speedometer cable should pass through the hole in the lower left of the dash panel (aka firewall). I can’t find a picture of the emergency brake cable routing.

BRL    -- 12-13-2023 @ 8:26 AM
  Hi Guys:
I just received some part drawings for the little metal plate attached to the floorboard just above the steering column. It is part number 78-700389. The initial release of the drawing is Oct 21, 1936 and shows the bent up opening to the right side of the plate. The drawing was revised in Jan 12, 1937 to move the bent up opening to the center of the plate. So I guess cars made before Jan 12 had the earlier version of the plate and cars built later in 1937 had the later version of the plate. I dont see a production letter in The 1937 Ford Book that discusses this change. There were lots of changes that are not documented in this book, but the change did happen and both plates went into production because I have one of each. I guess it is correct that a 1937 car can have either plate, and whichever fits best for your car is appropriate. I believe the plate design was revised because of fit problems and changes with the steering gear and brake cables. There are 3 revisions to this little plate...I elected to get the initial release drawing and one revision. The other revisions were Dec 1936 and April 1946.

zeke3    -- 12-13-2023 @ 6:48 PM
  I have a copy of the LH floorboard from Dec., 1936 and it does not show the extra notch in the steering column opening that your floorboard has. You can see where the drawing was revised to remove the details of that notch.

BRL    -- 12-14-2023 @ 6:22 AM
  Hi Zeke3:
Yeah, good info. So I guess after the initial design was released and they started making cars, they had some problems with the mounting of the steering gear and routing of the emergency brake cable so they had to revise the floorboard and cover plate for it all to fit better. I am going to start putting it all back together on my car and just play around with the two metal plates to see which one fits best with my new floorboard that I have that has the notch. My old floorboard has the notch so maybe my car was an early production car before the changes were made.

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