Topic: Top Question

oldfords    -- 10-17-2023 @ 10:04 AM
  I guess I need what is known as a tack strip to put in the groove on my car. I guess the top is then stapled to that. What holds the tack strip in the groove on the car?

kubes40    -- 10-17-2023 @ 1:32 PM
  Originally, they were nailed. Yes, nailed.
You can use sheet metal screws or stainless rivets. The rivets are my choice. Much easier to install.
Place one at minimum, every 3".

I prefer the nylon tack strip as it holds the staples very well and won't absurd moisture.

Mike "Kube" Kubarth

oldfords    -- 10-17-2023 @ 2:57 PM
  OK will do

thanks al

blarge    -- 10-18-2023 @ 2:42 PM
  the strip of plastic/cardboard/rubber mix of material is held into the flange on the convertible body by the small edge turned over on the track it fits into. It is difficult, but the material can be pushed into the track and held there buy the lip on the top and bottom. After the material is secured into the tract, the top canvas material is usually tacked in place. Bill Large

flathead48    -- 10-31-2023 @ 6:14 AM
  The tack strip has a roll on top & bottom, sometimes you car lift it a little to slide in the nylon stripAfter that tap it down to hold strip down. If this is rusted away than a good contact glue & a couple of rivets will work

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