Topic: 2023 Early Ford V-8 Club - AACA Hershey Fall Meet

nelsb01    -- 09-16-2023 @ 6:02 AM
  For the 27th year, the Early Ford V-8 Club will be on the Chocolate Field (south) row CV during the annual AACA Fall National Meet in Hershey PA. Once again thanks to Dennis Carpenter Reproduction Ford Products, we will have information on membership and Club published books. Including the new 1935-1936 Ford Model 51 Truck book.

Stop by to chat, ask questions, and say h*llo. We will be signing up new members, taking renewals and book orders.

The booth will be open Tuesday (Oct 3) through Thursday (Oct 5) -- 8 am to 4 pm.

And, we are always looking for Early Ford V-8 Club members to assist with the operation of the booth. If you are interested and will be at Hershey this year-- just send a PM (personal message) to this UserID and we will gladly find a time that fits your Hershey schedule. (or email to )

Pack in day is three weeks away!!!

RICKS2L    -- 09-18-2023 @ 4:39 PM
  Bruce, i won't be able to be there to help or say h*llo. I hope that you get enough help and have a great time. Thanks for all you do for the Early Ford V8 Club of America. Hopefully i will be able to make it next year. Say h*llo to everyone for me.

nelsb01    -- 09-22-2023 @ 8:21 PM
  One week until --- hit the road.

nelsb01    -- 09-25-2023 @ 5:53 AM
  If you are going to Hershey this year, you will be there in 7 days.
Starts in one week, hope to see you there.

Travel safe.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 09-28-2023 @ 11:56 AM
  And............just announced for those attending 2023 Hershey and stopping by the Early Ford V-8 Club booth:

Starting on Tuesday, October 3rd, there will be promotional flyers available for the just announced 1949-1951 Mercury Book, published by the Early Ford V-8 Club.
The long awaited book will have over 400 pages in a 8 1/2 by 11 spiral bound format. The book will contain illustrations, statistics, paint samples and upholstery covering the most recognized body styles of Mercury. Seven chapters covering exterior, interior, chassis, engine, accessories and a special chapter on Station Wagons. Eleven part Appendix covering tools, detailed specifications, literature, upholstery and trim, installation guides and templates. Orders are being taken now for delivery before Christmas.

Price: $60.00 USD plus S&H.

The flyer is available under the Current News topic on the Early Ford V-8 Club web site.

Web Administrator

This message was edited by efv8CofAAdmin on 9-29-23 @ 5:24 AM

nelsb01    -- 09-29-2023 @ 8:53 AM
  Heading out today.
Already had an inch and a half of rain this morning in MN.

Great news about the 1949-1951 Mercury Book getting published. Have seen the near final draft at Hershey in the past, before Gene Napoliello's untimely passing.

Again, travel safe and look forward to seeing you in Chocolate Town USA.

nelsb01    -- 10-01-2023 @ 1:29 PM
  Arrived at 3:20pm Sunday to 82 degree weather.
Looks like the fields are ready -- and there are tents and port-a-pots.

Looks like a good week. Will try and update nightly.

nelsb01    -- 10-02-2023 @ 2:32 PM
  WOW -- a hot one. Worked up a sweat just putting up the canopy.
Also saw the ambulances take two away.
Got on the field around 8 am.
Walked about 7 miles today. Saw a lot of asphalt. That just means some spent an extra day at the beach.
The wooden nickel that the AACA gives out with each program purchase only lists 2 years on it. In the past it has been 4 years.
Asked at the Hershey AACA souvenir tent what that meant and the reply was that their current contract with HERCO only goes until 2025.
Up at it tomorrow before 8 am. The weather says another beautiful day.

nelsb01    -- 10-03-2023 @ 5:35 PM
  Another warm one.
Lots of familar faces -- but not a lot of people walking around. Lots of scooters and golf carts though.

Was able to walk the Orange and Green fields.

nelsb01    -- 10-04-2023 @ 2:47 PM
  Another warm one. This is becoming a reoccurring event.
But, where did all the people come from. Larger crowds, but still small, but encouraging.

Good number at the V-8 booth. Glad to see that.

nelsb01    -- 10-05-2023 @ 2:01 PM
  Still sunny -- but cooler. And a stronger breeze.
Closed the V-8 booth around 2 pm because we had to return our donated tables.
Had a good week. Saw V-8 friends, heard may stories and signed up 9 new members. (and 16 renewals).
Promoted the daylights out of the new 1949-1951 Mercury book. Even took a couple of orders for it.

And you probably want to know --- Monday (6.96 miles), Tuesday (7.59 miles), Wednesday (6.69 miles) and Thursday (5.15 miles).
The crowd on Wednesday and Thursday was the best of the week, but there was still a lot of open asphalt.
Walked 26.39 miles --- hey a marathon......................

ford38v8    -- 10-05-2023 @ 9:24 PM
  Bruce, you're very fortunate to be so limber and mobile. i'd trade you my good looks for your mobility anyday, and we'd both benefit!


nelsb01    -- 10-06-2023 @ 3:08 AM
  Well, all good things come to an end.
Up at 5:30 am eastern and it is wet outside. On and off rain scheduled for today.

Guess it will be Plan B today -- antique shops.

Alan ... the doctor says exercise is good. And I like good.

nelsb01    -- 10-06-2023 @ 3:47 PM
  Yes..........did not even attempt to go see the car show.
Rain was on and off -- with several down pours.

Did our best to keep the Hershey, Annville and Palmyra economy going.

Saturday we head west -- and the MUCH cooler temperatures.

Thanks for following along.

mhsprecher    -- 10-07-2023 @ 6:49 AM

You should have gone to the show. The grass was wet, but that was about it. Always great fun. I was disappointed that there were not more Early V8's on the show field. Maybe half a dozen cars. Trucks were well represented. I took one of my Model A's to help bolster their numbers. I wish I could take more than one car.

nelsb01    -- 10-13-2023 @ 10:03 PM
  I have finally put the stuff back for another year. The book orders and membership information has been sent off. My tan that I got while in Hershey is starting to fade.

I want to thank the volunteers for their time. We had twelve members spend time at the booth. NY, PA, MN, VA and GA were represented.

Thanks again to all that stopped by to talk and check us out.

Next year October 8-11, 2024

Photos: Welcome to the Sweetest Place on Earth, the north Chocolate Field from the overpass, the north Chocolate Field Saturday morning 7:30 am

This message was edited by nelsb01 on 10-14-23 @ 6:53 AM

nelsb01    -- 10-14-2023 @ 10:44 AM

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