Topic: V-8 Times Assembly

c-gor    -- 08-31-2023 @ 6:50 PM
  Received my V-8 Times Today. There is a problem with mine that perhaps has affected copies to other members.

Pages 11-18 are missing and replaced by pages17, 28,29,30,31,32,33.

Page 19 resumes and subsequent pages are correct thru page 98.

Rather than have page 99 through 106, pages 85,86,87,88,89 & 90 are repeated. Page 107 through page 115 are in order.

Looks like an assembly error. I called Shannon but my message went to voice mail.

At your earliest convenience, please re-sent me a corrected copy.

Big Red 51    -- 08-31-2023 @ 7:14 PM
  I received mine also today in New Jersey and it had all 113 Pages.
Perhaps yours is the result of a small problem during printing.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 08-31-2023 @ 8:51 PM
A replacement issue is available. Check your past issues to see who to contact.

Web Administrator

c-gor    -- 09-02-2023 @ 11:09 AM

Left an e mail ;message with Shannon

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 09-02-2023 @ 11:19 AM
Got mine today --- the pages are in order.

Web Administrator

trjford8    -- 09-03-2023 @ 7:54 AM
  Got mine yesterday and all the pages are there and in the correct order.

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