Topic: July August V8 Times

JTHOMPSON    -- 08-30-2023 @ 3:19 PM
  Has anyone gotten the July August issue yet? Should have come out early/mid August right?

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 08-30-2023 @ 3:53 PM
  Yes -- you are correct.

You should have received an email back on August 16 from the Early Ford V-8 Club of America. The email is the one announcing the digital (online version) of the current V-8 TIMES is available to all current members to view. (which is available to view online)

That email also included a note from the V-8 TIMES editor which said:

In late July, I experienced a total loss of files for this issue of the V-8 Times. This caused me to have to start completely over with the entire magazine. I do apologize that this issue is as late as it is.

We are back up and running and on track for a timely September/October issue of the V-8 Times.

Thank you to all of the members for their patience with this edition. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I did...even the second time around!

- Shannon Olson, V-8 Times Editor

As to why you have not received the July/August is now in the hands of the USPS.
If it is any consolation, I have not received my issue either.

Web Administrator

Kens 36    -- 08-31-2023 @ 9:48 AM
  Mine arrived in today's mail. I'm in Illinois.


nelsb01    -- 08-31-2023 @ 2:38 PM
  You must be someone special!

woodiewagon46    -- 08-31-2023 @ 3:29 PM
  Received mine in todays mail on Long Island.

RICKS2L    -- 08-31-2023 @ 3:48 PM
  Received mine today in Coweta Oklahoma

G Tosel    -- 08-31-2023 @ 10:59 PM
  I received mine today and all pages are fine and I am in Minnesota.

mfirth    -- 09-01-2023 @ 4:53 AM
  Got mine yesterday in norhtern Ohio. Always worth the wait........

nelsb01    -- 09-01-2023 @ 8:24 PM
  Everyone is lucky enough it sounds like to receive their copies. I have automatic USPS delivery emails that tell me what will be arriving.

While I know that it is arriving --- I have not had mail delivery for 2 days. Guess the USPS employees must be on strike here.

Sure glad I was able to look at it online a couple of weeks ago.

carcrazy    -- 09-01-2023 @ 8:48 PM
  My copy arrived in the mail today (9/01/2023) on the California central coast.

Leadfoot    -- 09-02-2023 @ 7:30 AM
  This is a problem I've had for some time now with receiving the V8 Times late. It's September 2nd and the July/August magazine has yet to be received. I've heard the excuses regarding "It's the Postal Delivery system", but far from that, we should be receiving our issues when it's pertinent to the upcoming weeks....not as an afterthought.

In short, at the first of September, we should be receiving our Sept/November issues of the magazine.....not at the end of the monthly cycle. The magazine section reporting Swap Meet dates, Show times, Tour deadlines are worthless when the announcements are weeks after the event was held.

And, I don't care if there IS a digital edition of the magazine, I want my hard copy in a timely manner, as most other magazines are received.

1934 Victoria

JTHOMPSON    -- 09-02-2023 @ 8:40 AM
  Finally got mine 9/2, East coast outside Phila. (Hatfield).

1942deluxe    -- 09-02-2023 @ 8:43 AM
  Mine was in the mail this morning!

trjford8    -- 09-02-2023 @ 9:01 AM
  Leadfoot, the administrator of this website explained why the Times is late due to a computer issue(lost files) with the editor. If you had looked at the digital issue e-mail sent by the editor, it explains why this issue is late to get into the mail. If you have never had a computer problem then you must be the luckiest man in the world to own a computer. The administrator of this site and the editor of the V-8 Times work very hard to make things happen in a timely manner. Sometimes in the technology world you get a curve ball thrown at you. Be thankful that the problem has been fixed and your V-8 Times is in the mail. Now it's up to the USPS. By the way I'm still waiting for my V-8 Times also.

This message was edited by trjford8 on 9-2-23 @ 9:18 AM

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 09-02-2023 @ 11:16 AM
  Thanks Tom!

Yes, there was a problem, and I finally got my copy today --- with mail from Thursday and Friday. This being Saturday...................I am still waiting for that mail.

Web Administrator

trjford8    -- 09-03-2023 @ 7:50 AM
  Bruce, you're welcome. My copy showed up in yesterday's mail. It's all good!

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 09-03-2023 @ 8:31 PM
  Who would have guessed, but mail gets delivered on SUNDAY now.
Up today and checked the mail when getting the Sunday paper. Mailbox empty.
Came back from a day out and checked again -- mail. On a Sunday.

Still got the issue of the TIMES with the mail that was delivered from Thursday and Firday on Saturday. But now Saturdays mail on Sunday.


Web Administrator

42wagon    -- 09-05-2023 @ 12:11 PM
  It arrived today, Sept 5th in the wilds of Northwest Connecticut.

Leadfoot    -- 09-15-2023 @ 5:20 AM
  Without directing my attention to a reply regarding computer issues that are inherent to computing, I once again wish to point out the problem I see with the V8 Times in its untimely publishing. The magazine is consistently late in its editing, printing, and mailing. Receiving the printed magazine in the middle of its second month of coverage is unacceptable. No other auto club magazine follows what the V8 Times considers as normal performance. I just received my September/October "Model T Times" yesterday Sept 14th.

My "Antique Auto" from the AACA, and "The Vintage Ford" from MTFCA is expected within the week, yet the expectation for receiving the V8 Times is sometime in the month of October! I refer you to my previous post in this thread as to why this is unacceptable. And NO, I don't want to read my magazine online.

1934 Victoria

3w2    -- 09-15-2023 @ 4:24 PM
  Did it ever occur to you that all those so-called publication dates are man-made creations and nothing more than words on paper? Where's the written promise to deliver the magazine on such and a date? There is no promise! The Club has provided a digital issue for those who can't wait or don't like the USPS or never have power outages that wipe out computer memories, whether connected to circuit breakers or not. There is no race between the car club's magazines as to when their publications should reach your door and to make such a comparison is juvenile.

Grow up!

Grant    -- 09-22-2023 @ 9:20 AM
  Still no July August 2023 V8 Times in our backwoods rural Canadian mailbox.

Has anyone else not received theirs yet?


Leadfoot    -- 09-26-2023 @ 5:35 AM
  The September/October issue of the AACA "Antique Automobile" arrived Sept 15. The MTFCA's "The Vintage Ford" came yesterday Sept 25. Let's see when the Sept/Oct "V8 Times" arrives?? I suggest the V8 Times should do away with its "Touring & Social Events Calendar" since it's only current if the listed event is months away from when the current issue is received. Don't suck your thumb while you wait.

1934 Victoria

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 09-26-2023 @ 2:07 PM
  The online (digital) version of the Sept/Oct 2023 V-8 TIMES has just been announced as available.

If you are a current member and you have shared your email address with the membership company, you should have received an email announcing its availability.

Web Administrator

This message was edited by efv8CofAAdmin on 9-26-23 @ 2:26 PM

Grant    -- 10-14-2023 @ 7:40 AM
  Hallelujah, brothers. With the assistance of Jen at Cornerstone, a very nice lady, our July August 2023 V8 Times magazine has finally gotten here.

It arrived yesterday. Another great issue! Thank you, Shannon.

For anyone who might be interested in seeing the Bumper Badge image on page 10 in color, it is attached below (zoom in near bottom left).

Leadfoot    -- 10-19-2023 @ 4:22 AM
  The Sept/Oct V8 Times arrived Oct. 13th.

For those that listed their Classified offerings for this publication, its only 7 days short of 2 months from the deadline date the Classified listing had to be submitted which was August 20th. Put it out at the end of the driveway, you'll get quicker response.

1934 Victoria

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