Topic: 2023 Grand National and Motor Muster

nelsb01    -- 03-22-2023 @ 3:05 PM
  For those members that have registered for the 2023 Grand National Meet, or are planning on registering (what are you waiting for?) you should know that the day after the Meet ends, June 17, 2023 is the start of the Annual Greenfield Village Motor Muster. This a very prestigious event sponsored by the Henry Ford museum. And, those registered for the Grand will have the opportunity to also register for the Motor Muster.
Now, the wonderful news. The 2023 Motor Muster theme is Flathead Fords!! Here is what the Motor Muster registration form says:
"Ford Motor Company revolutionized the industry again in 1932 with its flathead V-8 engine. Designed in Greenfield Village, Ford's innovative monobloc engine brought higher horsepower to the mass market, and it earned the company much-needed publicity and sales during the Great Depression. The flathead remained in production, with modifications, throught the 1953 model year. Ten years later, the long-running engine inspired the founding of the Early Ford V-8 Club of America, marking its 60th Anniversary in 2023. We'll honor the engine and the Club, and we'll celebrate the spirit of Ford's great V-8."

So another reason to plan to head for Dearborn in June. Once you register for the 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Celebration Grand National, you will have the opportunity to check off the box for the Motor Muster. Motor Muster registration is separate from the Grand National registration and you must meet the criteria for the rules of the Motor Muster. But what an opportunity to get you Club vehicle into Greenfield Village and also have the opportunity to drive the streets of Greenfield Village.
The Grand National Registration information is available under Upcoming Events from the menu to the left.
Hope to see you there!

Bruce Nelson
Grand National Meet chair

nelsb01    -- 03-23-2023 @ 5:31 AM

nelsb01    -- 03-24-2023 @ 5:34 AM

nelsb01    -- 03-27-2023 @ 8:28 AM
  Just in case you missed this

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