Topic: Startup after sitting a couple of years

Bob56    -- 02-26-2022 @ 3:24 AM
  What should i do before trying to start after sitting a couple of years. I was thinking of putting a couple of squirts of Marvel Mystery Oil down the plug holes and let sit for a day before trying

marko39    -- 02-26-2022 @ 6:12 AM
  After you do that, crank engine with plugs out until you get oil pressure. You can use a 12 volt battery for this even if it’s 6 volt which will make it crank faster.

TomO    -- 02-26-2022 @ 8:40 AM
  Drain the oil and gas and put in fresh oil and gas before you try to start it.

MMO will not hurt the engine and may free up the rings, but I would use a fogging oil or just fresh motor oil before cranking the engine. MMO is not thick enough to protect the rings and cylinder walls from damage.

I would also do a cold compression check to see if any of the valves are stuck. If there are some, you should pull the intake and squirt some MMO on the valve guides. If cranking it over for several 30 second bursts with a 5 minute rest period doesn't free them up, you will probably have to pull the heads to get the MMO whre it will do the most good.


same    -- 02-26-2022 @ 9:18 AM
Hey Bob56, where has this car you speak of been stored inside garage, heated? or outside and what is winter like where the car has been for 2 yrs. what was status of fuel in tank ethanol content,was tank filled, remove gas cap,smell. when was engine oil changed before stored. Tom.

Bob56    -- 02-27-2022 @ 3:58 AM
  Stored in my garage here in Las Vegas. The garage doesn't get much below 40°

same    -- 02-27-2022 @ 7:54 AM
Hey Bob56, how bout the other factors i mentioned. Tom.

Bob56    -- 02-28-2022 @ 3:36 AM
  Haven't tried them yet. Was waiting to get this info before trying. Will definitely change the oil

This message was edited by Bob56 on 2-28-22 @ 3:38 AM

same    -- 02-28-2022 @ 6:25 AM
Hey Bob 56, first thing make sure engine is not stuck,probley is not. you say you had stored in your homes garage for two years. hows the battery. remove gas cap smell if it smells sour drain tank. compare smell to known fresh fuel.if your motors not stuck get it warmed up really well before changing oil to get most of the dirty oil to drain out. have you had a battery maintainer on battery during storage. do not jump battery the hyd gas can explode. check in your area for early ford or ford barn members to help you with the car. test brakes in drive way. good luck,Tom.

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